
Whats the best skate deck that i could get for a cheap price?

by  |  earlier

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I am low on money and I need a new deck so I was thinking about getting a ccs standard issue or a minilogo but i want to know if anyone eles had any suggestions. Thanks.

P.S. If your not to busy could you help me find some good trucks and wheels that are a good price.




  1. i would say go to walmart and buy a world industries

  2. DECK: sure, mini logos pretty good.

    TRUCKS: tensor. i only trust tensor.

    WHEELS: bones, ricta, or spitfire. but the wheels dont matter that much.

    GRIP: MOB griptape is the most grippiest, most longest lasting u can get.

    BEARINGS: dont get anything either than bones.


    they are great

  4. k homie wut i do when im in desperate need of a deck is i head to my local skate shop and im really tight wit da guys down there and i ask for  a used deck. last time i did that an i scored a hardly used girl deck fo guess what $0.  or just go into a shop and explain yor situation.   I personally would not recommend a ccs board or minilogo.  Go to and they usually have clearance decks that go for like $25 or $30.  good luck. remember it wouild be easier to just go into a shop and theyll hook you up and youll be on your way.  mail order places youlll be out of skating for like two weeks.

  5. There are actually cheap decks on ebay, cheap brand name decks too.

    i got my plan b deck with silver trucks from ebay along with bearings, wheels, and griptape for only 65 dollars and it was new.

    or you can go to your local skateshop and ask them for some help.

    for the deck it doesnt really matter what brand just make sure its maple 7 ply wood so it wont snap easily. but i would go with a brand name just in case and because the art is cool i guess. the blank ones really arent that much less expensive anyway. id personally go with plan b or zero. almost uber is ok. minilogo is good too, many people use it and it seems fine.

    trucks you should go with a brand name though. independent trucks and venture trucks are pretty good. venture is cheaper but independent is more durable. silver is also ok. some people say tensor trucks are good too. bearings, people usually go with bone reds. they are pretty cheap and good also. wheels dont really matter, just get the blank ones since they are all pretty much the same anyway.

  6. Canadian maple

  7. They best way to get a cheap deck (that isn't cheap/c**p haha) is by going to your local skate shop and buying one of your skate shops boards. This is one of the cheapest ways of getting a board they are usually around 20 to 25 bucks plus either free grip or like 1$ for grip. As for wheels and trucks those are hard to come by interims of getting them for cheap. In my opinion I would not go to ebay because i do not trust ebay but if you go to like you would be able to find something relatively cheap and you can trust them with your order. Or just by one from your local shop because then you don't have to deal with shipping costs. If you have anymore questions just email me!

  8. Go to and look at all of there decks they have really good deals on great decks and every thing else.

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