
Whats the best thing for depression?

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is it going outside as much as you can?

i dont want to use drugs, i just have a lot of tiredness although im getting my 8hours regularly every night.

ive had blood tests which were good so i must have depression, what should i do? i need somthing i can do everyday? i tried running but i got a groin strain so maybe i should do walking? what do you think?




  1. I could be glib here and say a large Vodka and a spliff...but thats my idea of getting me out of a rut.

    It sounds like you need a good friend, join a group as a volunteer, local community centre, etc, always need volunteers, you get to know people and hopefully you could end this depression once and for all.  Good luck to you.

  2. Firstly relaxation is needed. He should not be in tension at all,one should visit a beautiful garden or to a zoo to see beautiful animals as well birds of different colored birds.

  3. Exercise.   Resistance training/weight lifting.  Cardio....that'll get your body moving and get you to feeling better.

    Endorphins are incredible, natural and can fight stress, depression etc.  They are a natural high.....and I was having issues myself, with anxiety and depression......and after I told my Doc I was coming off of Paxil, (prescribed by another Doc) the 2nd Doc advised exercise.....and it's worked like a charm.....

  4. 1. make friends of same liking

    2. do things which u used to do before n enjoyed

    3. do listen to songs daily 1-2 hrs.

    4. Join gym or do daily execrise

    5. always cheerup urself ur own.

    6. always think ur are best. n no one can play ur part better in this world

    7. be postive. challange urself.

    8. take out time n go watch movies( not at home)

    9. try to talk daily for 30-60 mins with siblings ,frnds daily

    10. just belive in urself. ur the best

    All the best :) wish u lots of sucess in life

  5. Be around people you like hanging around with. It's been proved to work with many cases of depression

  6. All good advice, except for the shoes (?)

    One other natural thing which could help is St. Johns' Wort tea with honey a couple of times a day. And make sure you're getting enough B-vitamins

  7. Depression is another side of repression. When you repress too much depression settles. Then it becomes very difficult to come out of it. It is like a vicious circle.  Physical activity is a must despite the fact you don't like it.

  8. If your depression has caused to have suicidal thoughts..or self mutilation..then I would try to get counseling..there are anonymous hotlines where you can just talk to someone..and just letting out all your feelings really helps.

    Otherwise if your just feeling down and out. I would suggest getting a pet! Owning a pet - especially a dog or cat can help you defeat your depression once and for all.

    Or maybe volunteering at an animal shelter. senior citizen home. Anything positive, Thinking positive helps.

  9. Why do you conclude that because your blood tests were good, that you must have depression? I think you need to discuss your problem with a Doctor and leave him to decide. If you do have depression(?) and you don't want to take drugs, you can see a Psychologist who basically carries out talking therapy without prescribing drugs.

    I think to make a self diagnosis of depression is not really helpful for you - go to the Doctor.

  10. You probably need to seek some counselling on top of taking exercise and eating properly. If it's proper depression then just exercise won't fix it. Good luck x

  11. any form of excersise, natural light (sun light) and just being around friends.

  12. you don't have to take any drugs for it you can get massages at least once a week or once every other week massages help relax you and talk about your problem to people who love you and care about you can help also i hope this helps you and i hope you feel better  

  13. Hi---Depression generally isn't an illness that you can treat on your own. But you can do some things for yourself that will build on your treatment plan. In addition to professional treatment, follow these self-care steps for depression:

    -Stick to your treatment plan. Don't skip therapy sessions, even if you don't feel like going. ( I am guessing you go to therapy? If not, I would recommend you do so.

    Psychotherapy is another key depression treatment. It's often used along with medication treatment. Psychotherapy is a general term for a way of treating depression by talking about your condition and related issues with a mental health provider. Psychotherapy is also known as therapy, talk therapy, counseling or psychosocial therapy.

    Through these talk sessions, you learn about the causes of depression so that you can better understand it. You also learn how to identify and make changes in unhealthy behavior or thoughts, explore relationships and experiences, find better ways to cope and solve problems, and set realistic goals for your life. Psychotherapy can help you regain a sense of happiness and control in your life and help alleviate depression symptoms, such as hopelessness and anger. It also may help you adjust to a crisis or other current difficulty.

    There are several types of psychotherapy that are effective for depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most commonly used talk therapies for depression. This type of therapy helps you identify pessimistic, negative beliefs and behaviors and replace them with healthy, positive ones. It's based on the idea that your own thoughts — not other people or situations — determine how you behave. Even if an unwanted situation doesn't change, you can change the way you think and behave in a positive way. Interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy are other types of therapy commonly used to treat depression.

    -Learn about depression. Education about your condition can empower you and motivate you to stick to your treatment plan.

    -Pay attention to warning signs. Work with your doctor or therapist to learn what might trigger your depression symptoms. Make a plan so that you know what to do if symptoms return. Contact your doctor or therapist if you notice any changes in symptoms or how you feel.

    -Consider involving family members or friends in watching for warning signs.

    -Get active (You are Right!)- Physical activity and exercise have been shown to reduce depression symptoms. Consider walking, jogging, swimming, gardening or taking up another form of exercise you enjoy.

    -Avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and illicit drugs can worsen depression symptoms.

  14. this may sound a bit stupid but it works.  everyday try yo sit in on the floor and close your eyes and take deep breaths and exhale.  the goal is to keep your mind on one target, breathing is done automatically but if you think and breath for sometime your mind concentrates on that thing only. i advise you to do this daily for about 15 minutes before you go to bed and after you wake up. your memory and thinking power also develops. if you take this seriously for about 1 month you will be more healthier.

  15. Any type of exercise.

  16. I walk and talk to my higher power about my worries. I resolve a lot of issues that way. Take a short (10 min) nap in the afternoon. Talk to a good friend or donate a bit of time to a worthwhile cause.  

  17. 1. Get enough restful sleep. 8 hours is optimal. Do not get more or less if you can

    2. Walk outside every single day for 45 minutes. It takes about half an hour for serotoninoendorphinshans to kick in, making you feel better

    3. Eat green vegetables, fish and nuts.

    4. Drink 8 glasses of water every day, no exceptions

  18. Volunteer work, help children, elderly, people who don't have half of what you have, it helps realize that things may be bad, but there are always people who are worse.

    Be a productive member of your community, It makes more than your self happy.  

  19. Behavioral Activation therapy is a good treatment for depression. Essentially, you find activities that you find rewarding or make you feel good, and you do those. For example, if a person enjoys golf, they should aim to increase the amount of golf they play per week.

    If you don't find exercise immediately rewarding, I wouldn't suggest to jump right into an exercise routine. At least nothing too strenuous that may make you even more tired.

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