
Whats the best thing to do for big red zits?

by  |  earlier

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how can i reduce the size and redness




  1. aloe vera works wonderfully, supresses , dereddens and moisuturizes

  2. you'll need;


    Cotton Balls

    Face Wash (Pick one you like, or works best for you)


    Witch Hazel/ Toner

    (DAY 1)

    If you don't currently use an acne face wash I recommend ProActive.

    Start off by putting the washcloth in hot water then lay it on your face and allow it to cool before removing it. Wash face with your choice of soap, then use a Cotton ball to dab  witch hazel on your troubled areas. Apply lotion after hazel dries to keep moister.

    (DAY 2)

    Wash Face with cool water, Apply witch hazel or toner of your choice to any problem areas. After it has dried, apply lotion as before. (If wearing make-up apply after lotion has dried, also foundation lasts longer if you lightly powder face before application.)

    Hope this helps you out!

  3. Paint them orange and green and tell your mom you have malaryia. Works everytime!

    No school for a month. Whoopie!

  4. paper bag

  5. now here's a different one for u and it sounds crazy but I'm tellin you it works! take a potato and slice it and put some of the inside of the potato on the can scrape some and put under a band aid all night or just hold on the spot for a couple few hours.or just keep wiping the juice on and letting it dry. It  will be all but gone in the draws all the puss and soreness out.I swear I've done it out of desperation when someone told me.and it worked like a charm.SERIOUSLY! try it .  

  6. Try washing the spots lightly with alchohol (only do this every 2 wks. or every month or you'll dry your skin out) and get a skin cleanser - I find that Clean & Clear deep action skin cleanser works best for me. Also once in a while to clean out your pores, boil some water and put it in a bowl and lean over it so that your face is getting steamed and put a towel over your head... really cleans out the skin.

  7. redness eyedrops [they do work]


    spot treatment like clearasil, clean and clear acne spot treatment gel, stridex intensive acne repair pads and gel [use the gel part]

    and just do a mask on your face

    and remember to moisturize with an oil free moisturizer so your face doesnt dry out

    some good ones i can reccomend are

    clean and clear soft day with 15 spf oil free moisturizer


    clean and clear soft night oil free moisturizer

  8. reduce redness with

    redness eyedrops

  9. Don't try to pop it... it will make it lager try a spot treatment

  10. don't touch it. i have a product called clearasil vanishing acne treatment cream which has 10% benzoyl peroxide. just dot it onto the zit and it should be gone in about 3-4 days. you can buy it at wal-mart, target.

  11. ice compresses and visene

  12. first use any brand of a refining mask. only where the zit is


    ice you zit

    refining mask.only where the zit is

    add a bit of some sort of acid (not strong at all!!! like lemon juice or orange juice, from an orange not the containor)

    steam your face, daily clenser, the refining mask (only where the zit is cause then it'll damage you skin)


    slight bit of make-up.

    if that doesnt work, i have no idea what will

    btw, never pop it

  13. here are the steps I use for my zits

    1. Steam ( with a bath or boiling water )

    2. Cleanse ( mild astringent )

    3. Slash ( with cold water )

    4. Use a crushed aspirin pill on  the spot ( mixed with a little water to make it applicable )

    **the aspirin will make the redness and swelling go down

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