
Whats the best thing to do in this situation (please help)?

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james is my bf

cody is my ex


last night, my cody and james were fighting over myspace, which is stupid to begin with. anyways, my cody just got worked up bc on james profile, it said he loved me blah blah blah. well for some reason, cody posted a bulletin that said something like "you f*** tard. you cant f***ing love someone after 2 days." soo later, when james got on, he read them and posted his own bulletin... "some ppl just need to shut up."

then they kept posting bulletins back and forth. and i put one in there that said "just stop it". they stopped for a little bit, but then something happened and they went at it again.

so i posted a bulletin saying "... goodnight"

and i got off while my neighbor was here and still on.

and then they both stopped.

and before the whole fight thing started, i read the first bulletin and asked cody if i knew the person. he said "your d**n right you do. have a holly jolly time!" or something like that. so i flipped on him... ugh.

so whats the best thing to do in this situation?? please help me.




  1. Ignore ur ex. Unless u want him back?

  2. Dump your boyfriend. Their being childish and their not worth being with and knowing them and still talking to them. Guys like that are not worth it.

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