
Whats the best thing to do??

by  |  earlier

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yesterday my mom said something about my son that makes me so son he has ADHD and his being so hyper yesterday...for some reason my mom told my son this..."omg, i'm wondering what other people think if they saw u like this" (in a very mean way and very high tone)

i felt so bad...i mean she's my mom she supposed to understand my son's who cares what people not like they feed me and my son...u know what i mean?

the worst part when i confront her about it. she runs away. so i have to run and get her...too much drama.

my mom she's staying w/me for vacation...she's from canada...obviously she not familiar in my place...i mean what about she got lost yesterday...u know what i mean?

what should i do now?? should i send her back to canada instead of me waiting until december before she get back in there?? (i mean to cut the argument i rather send her isn't?? she's been ignoring me since yesterday)

whats the best thing to deal w/this?




  1. i dont see why ur complaining. so she gave some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to your child--HER GRANDCHILD....she should be entitled to do so. It doe NOT sound like she was being rude...rather trying to help him THINK ABOUT his behavior. You should be ever so thankful u have a mother who loves u and ur son.

    You just being an over protective mother....ADHD is no excuse for ALLOWING inappropriate behavior.

  2. It is very hard to understand your writing.

    But arguing is NEVER the answer.

    Tolerate Mom.  She is not educated on your son's need.

    Google the best explanation, hope to find how families can cope...print it out and hand it to her in the nicest way, and be her advocate in learning about his special needs.


  3. Your son is the way he is, he cant control it.  Your mother was very wrong in what she said to your son.  Tell her straight away that she is not to talk to your son that way.  Explain what ADHD is.  Tell her that this is the way it is at your house, you son is what he is .  If she doesn't like it maybe she will decide to leave on her own.  If not then it will be added stress on you until she leaves.  I wish you the best and I really feel for your situation.  You are a good mom and a good daughter.

  4. "mom it hurts me when u talk to my son that way giving his condition. please refrain from doing it again."

    be straight forward. dont think about it too much

  5. She's not used to being around your son i'm guessing so his activity probably frustrated her and she said the first thing that came to mind.  She's your mother and raised you so she must not be a horrible mother so I would just sit down and try discussing with her how you feel about what she said to him.  You shouldn't be chasing after her to confront or reprimand her, she's your mother and still deserves some respect.  Don't send her packing because you're both upset.  You both need time to cool off and try to act like adults and just talk.

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