
Whats the best thing to take for heartburn in pregnancy ?

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does anybody know what causes it?




  1. I had terrible, terrible heartburn. I dreaded eating even though I was starving! My doctor told me to take a Pepcid AC when I woke up and before bed and a Tums with meals. I haven't had any since.

  2. Rolaids soft chews... I like the vanilla flavor, they taste like vanilla tootsie rolls and they aren't chalky like regular rolaids! Or I would drink a glass of milk, that would help sometimes. They say not to drink while eating too because that can make your heartburn worse. I had very bad heartburn my entire pregnancy to the point that it made me vomit and I had to sleep propped up towards the end of my pregnancy. Good luck!


  4. some of the residual hormones you are producing conflict with the digestive system..if saltines don't work..tums are good..for severe nausea try burnt toast..the carbon is soothing to the stomach.  Good Luck for a healthy baby..

  5. I have 3 bottle of tums one in my purse one in my car and one next to my bed. The pressure from your uterus against your stomach causes the heartburn. good luck.  

  6. tums, 2 or 3 a also has a lot of calcium.

  7. I have gaviscon, but if I run out I have a big cold glass of milk!

  8. tums is the best :]

  9. a spoon full of mustard kinda gross but it works

  10. I LIVED on Tums.  The cause, from what I've heard, is that the baby pushes your stomach up, which causes the acid to leak out easier.

  11. Gaviscon!

  12. I take tums and drink a glass of milk ice cold lol i love it, its caused by the baby pushing up on your tummy and the acid coming up ewwww!!!

  13. Tum Tum Tum Tum Tuuummmmsss!!!! They worked for me up until about 3 weeks ago.. im 35 weeks now. Now I take a Zantac 1 time a day and it works pretty well. Ask your doc before you take anything though. Good luck!

    Oh and its caused because everything is running out of room, and pregnancy loosens up the ligaments and tendons in your body which also makes the little flappy thing on your asophogus not seal correctly causing acid reflux and heartburn. (not a medical description.. Lol! )  

  14. My doctor prescribed Zantac 150. It's a life saver. =)

  15. TUMS i take chocolate or vanilla they are very nice & bland and come together in a bottle at the store both flavors in one bottle i mean

  16. PEPCID AC!!!!!! i would marry the bottle if i could. its one pill every 24 hours and working so fast its insane!!!  

  17. Tums or a glass of milk  always worked for me

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