
Whats the best thing you can do for sore thighs?

by  |  earlier

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i have really really sore thighs and legs from field hockey practice, it hurts to stand and sit. i tried a bath, asprin, now im walking around with broccoli strapped to my thighs. i wanted to know if there was anything i could do. i have field hockey monday through friday every week until october. and i can't miss practice. plus i work six nights a week as a tray RUNNER i bring people their foods theres no escaping walking




  1. Honestly when my thighs are super sore (usually the next day after working out) I have to go running or jogging to losen them up again then the warm shower.. . they usually start feeling better the more I work them out daily. However you may want to rub some muscle ointment or get like an icy hot patch thing 4 soar muscles.

  2. why don't you stretch to warm your  muscles up before you start using them rigorously

  3. ice,rest warm bath,ice bath,no brocoli ,advil and u r weird

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