
Whats the best treatment for severe acne?

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I have extremely sensative skin. Like a baby. If i use any face washes with beads in it, my face scratches and it gives me acne scars. Ive tried proactiv and it made my acne worse. Ive tried Retin-A and that dried my skin out, Ive tried pure zone by loreal, im not sure if that was a good idea. it gave me scars, I have acne all over my cheeks. On he left side i have like maybe 40 scars. on the right side i break out alot and i have maybe 20 pimples and 30 scars... I need a good treatment that will make my skin flawless. Ive even tried using bare essentials makeup.. that didnt give me any covrage and it ust looked bad. ive even tried bare vitamins. also rare minerals at night. do you have any suggestions???? remember. no washes with beads ! please! i even tried pills!




  1. accutane is the best treatment for severe acne.  

  2. Well if you have sever acne you should be seeing a dermatologist.

    They will probably suggest a lot of things, but you should talk to them about accutane.

    It is extremely affective pill, but it takes about 6 months to totally work. And months 2 through 4 things usually get worst. it will dry your skin like crazy. Plus it has other side of affects, and pregnant women are not allowed to take it at all.

    It is a major drug hardcore and a lot of people want to get it banned, but as someone who needed it and took it I kid you not the people who need it the most do not think the risk are too high.

  3. If you have a sensitive skin then honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. More such solutions at

  4. Have you gone down the Accutane road yet? That is, I believe, the strongest line of defense. Though it really dries your skin out, you won't have to deal with acne after the treatment. I took Accutane about 10 years ago and it worked very well. However, there are def side effects to be aware of.

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