
Whats the best type ?????

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Whats the best type of saddle for jumping

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Whats the best type of horse for a beginner ????

Wheres the best place to buy[ adoupt ] a horse?

Wats the best price uve ever gotten a horse or saddle??




  1. the best horse for a beginner would probably be a trotter i started with a paso fino but that is a different kind of style and it is 6 times more advance few have mastered this style of riding on of which is my dad the best place for a horse is a breeder because they know their horses and your level the best deal i got was 100 dollars for a spanish saddle

  2. i'm gonna look past all the typos (because honestly i'm sure i'd make much of the same ones. hehe so i'm good at reading typo)

    anyway, best saddle for jumping, would be a jumping saddle, but i personally like the all popurse saddles b/c you can do jumping, showing*any style*, dressage, just about any type of english riding in that type of saddle and you'd only have to buy one saddle.

    best type of horse for a beginer? (assuming you mean after you have had lessons and understand what you're getting into) would be an older horse (12 years at least) and i'd suggest go around looking for a trainer's old lesson horse *yeah they may be tired of being a lesson horse, but once your the only one riding them and taking care of them they do get less crabby. my first pony was one of my trainer's horses, worked out very well for us*

    best place? i'd say locally, go to tack stores and barns, start there b/c at least then it's easier to see the horse in person. then internet, but the thing about the internet is that almost NONE of the photo's they have posted will have a conformation shot, and that's something you need to look for. you might think a horse has a pretty color, but your not riding the color your riding the horse and if the horse has conformation issues the chances that it'll have soundness issues increase. *you dont want to buy a lame horse, so take a trainer with you and always, ALWAYS get a vet check*

    BEST all time priece ive seen for a horse was for:

    3 horses, 3 sets of tack, and 50 bales of hay for 2,500. . . i passed on the deal, lack of funds for the horses or i wouldve hopped on that like a...anyway. . . you get the point.

    i'd say go to a trainer, get lessons and ask all these questions to them.  

  3. Beginners shouldn't get horses. I'm not being mean, this is just for the horse's sake, so I'm putting it to you bluntly: the horse will get hurt under your care. You don't have the knowledge or experience to have a horse, and the horse will get hurt, you won't notice the signs, and the horse will suffer. Horses aren't like dogs or cats, you need tons of experience before your ready. Please, please, please, don't buy a horse. Get lessons and after a few years, ask your trainer if they think your ready. You can't do this on your own, you need knowledge and experience. Jumping is done by intermediate and up riders, so don't worry about that until you start riding. And, if after reading this, your stubborn enough to still consider buying a horse, consider this: 1 horse will cost you a few thousand dollars a year. Still not convinced? Sometimes horses step on your feet. Horses weigh about 1,000 - 1,500 pounds. (Haha it hurts A LOT, though).

  4. The best saddle for jumping is obviously a jumping saddle. It has the correct knee rolls and seat construction for jumping and two-point. But you can use an all-purpose saddle if you aren't going to be strictly jumping.

    The best type of horse for a beginner (thank you for not asking breed) is a horse that is calm and can take care of their rider. A lesson horse is great until the rider gets the hang of riding. Once you get all of the basics down, you can start riding horses that will challenge you more.

    The best place to buy a horse would be from a reputable breeder or a close friend. I bought my first horse from a friend. It gives you a chance to try the horse a lot before you make the decision to buy it. And at a breeder, you know the quality and training you are getting. As for adoption, I would hold off on adopting until you are extremely experienced. Most adoption horses have been abused or neglected and need a really experienced horseperson to work with them.

    I bought an english all-purpose saddle at an auction for $60. It was brand new. I also ended up with a free foal (accidentally).

  5. For jumping, a forward seat (English)saddle.If your a beginner, you may want knee rolls.

    For a beginner's horse- something safe and quiet,that has been there, done that. Breed,age ,s*x, (except you should rule out stallions) and color doesn't matter,personality and temperment  does.

    To buy- check your local stables,look at their lesson horses for an example of what you may want. Take someone with some experience when you go. Ask friends to help you search.Always get a vet check and a trial period.

    Remember- price doesn't always relect value. I have never paid over $750 for a horse. But the ones I bought are priceless!! In this economy you should find some good deals.I get calls frequently from people who want to give me horses for my programs. Wish that I could take them all.Try advertising for what you want, or try a full or half lease

  6. Best type of saddle for jumping - a forward cut jumping saddle with knee rolls

    best horse for a beginner - whatever the instructor points you at

    best place to buy a horse - there isn't one, good horses are found in odd places

    best price horse or saddle - 18.2 Clyde cross free, Antill GP saddle £56 Ebay

  7. Any kind of well known close contact and/or all purpose saddle (Wintec, Pessoa, Collegiate, and ALOT of others)

    Any breed. Something sweet, friendly, easy to handle, and calm.

    I have seen DECENT horses at $500 but under that and it is TYPICALLY a "crappy" horse (though no horse is truely "crappy") and saddles...probley a $200 saddle is the cheapest I ahve seen. It would probley need alot of polishing and conditions...BOTH THE HORSE AND THE SADDLE lol xD

    Hope that helped :)

  8. A jumping saddle or genral purpose saddle.

    Depends how you would define 'beginner'. A horse is a huge responsibility, it isn't just riding. You have to have the time, and the money for it. And you should be able to at lease canter confidently off a longe line. If you can do all that, then I would say a pony for a kid, or an Appaloosa for an adult. An older gelding or mare is always a good beginners horse. Don't get a young horse. and have horse classifieds

  9. The best saddle for jumping is any form of jumping saddle but an english saddle is perfectly fine and cheaper.I use an english saddle to jump 3 feet it works perfectly fine. The best type of horse for beginners is a quarter horse.It will also depend on the size you want your horse to be.Quarter horses come in a lot of different heights.Any low tempered horse would be good but geldings are the best to buy because they have a low temperment.The best place to buy a horse is from someone that you peronally know or even websites such as ro best price i have ever gotten on a saddle was 150 dollars for a used english saddle.

    Good Luck:)

    Hope I Helped

  10. well.. in my mind a beginner should not buy a horse. Wait untill you are at least intermediate so you know wether or not you are going to stay riding...

    so many moms buy horses for they're young beginner daughters, who end up having to sell they're horse because they get out of horse back riding.

    please dont ever give up riding!!!!

  11. y would u buy a saddle if ur a beginner?

  12. I, too, believe that beginners should take a lot of lessons before deciding to buy a horse.

    If you do that, when the time comes to buy, you will know what type to look for.  So much depends on what you want to do with the horse.

    My one recommendation is to not over look an older horse who has done what you want to do. You can learn so much from a "school master".

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