
Whats the best vet go grow now?

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i live in england and i was wondering whats best.. could i grow sprouts? i was told radish and beetroot =) what others?

and i live in england so the weather isnt to great lol




  1. sorry vets wont grow in cold weather-ha-couldn't pas that up-try planting turnips and collards

  2. You can grow sprouts anywhere since you grow them in a sprouter in the house.  In the garden:  some varieties of radish, beet root, spinach, chard, leaf lettuce, Kohlrabi, turnip, and english peas will mature in sixty days or less and all prefer cool weather.  

  3. Cole crops: some lettuces grow well in the fall, broccoli,

    maybe some squashes will grow for you, too.

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