
Whats the best way 2 overcome anxiety depression...?

by  |  earlier

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it changes who iam in front of people, scare to stare and talk, brings me down when i feel i cant be myself makes me feel confused whta the h**l is this? is this anxiety WHAT? i try2 breath just 2 have i normal conversation....




  1. Focus - it is all to do with focus. You are only reacting badly when you are out of your comfort zone and that is all. Google a short piece called Desiderata and when you have read it & feel you have understood everything it is trying to say to you then start to focus. Focus on strengths not weaknesses. Positivity not negativity. Try not to make a big issue out of the current problem otherwise it will be greater than you can handle. The fact that you have posted this issue tells me that you are up for the challenge of handling it so go for it! You have nothing to lose. Research breathing exercises too - this is a talent which will stand you in good stead throughout your entire life.

    With very best wishes for both now and your future. UK

  2. Social anxiety. Depression no, But there is a connection between the two. I have both.

    I have a hard time standing in lines alone, I get nervous and irritated and sometimes flat out hostile. I don't like to be close to people I don't know. Makes me REALLY uneasy.

    I typically don't go anywhere with out a friend with me. But not that they all go to college and what not Im forced to do things on my own a little more. Go to the store, stuff like that. Its helped a little.

    I suggest doing that too. Just go to the store, even if you HAVE to go with some one. Go threw the check out ON YOUR OWN. with the person waiting... like at the door. Its sucks bad the first few times but, it gets easier with practice...

  3. I'm not a doc but it sure sounds like social anxiety.  Start with a good honest talk with your family doctor and he/she might run some tests just to make sure physically you're healthy.  If all that comes back ok, then ask for a referral to a psychiatrist.  

    Psychiatrist's are not to be feared; they know how the brain/mind work and what medications work for what.  In all probability, he/she will prescribe some medication and possibly suggest some counseling to help you learn to deal with situations.  It will take 4-6 weeks for most medications to give you their full effect.  But you will start noticing some differences in a couple weeks.

    Go through this with an open mind and try the counseling also.  It can help and will help you deal and change the behavior that you want to change.

    Good Luck!

  4. I understand that. For me I just keep everything inside and that is NOT the path you want to take. Find someone to talk to or go see a therapist. Trust me, you don't want to go through life with no one to talk to. It is very lonely and scary.

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