
Whats the best way a 12 year old can make money?

by  |  earlier

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The question says it all... Also they gotta be easy.




  1. I make money by going around to stores and asking if they need help. I once made 1000 dollars because i mailed out thousands of letters to people for this one company. look around.

    also, bargain with your parents for an allowance. Thats how i make most of my money. Babysitting is really not a good idea unless you are VERY experienced and have taken emergeny CPR classes etc. hope i helped!

  2. Sell old stuff from your garage and/or 5 cents per hugs!!


  3. mow the lawn

    wash cars

    sell baked goods

    bring in recycling

    make bets with your friends on things you know youll win

    offer to clean/sweep for relatives

    have a  garage sale

    newspaper route

  4. You can start online survey with 'treasuretrooper' & can earn some money from home. They are legit. they send payment via 'paypal account' or via 'check'. so you can try yourself.

  5. Lemonade stand.

  6. going on club penguin and using virtual money but in order to do that you gonna need ya moms credit card. oops looks like this question is irrelevant  


    Here are some ideas... most would work for a 12 year old

  8. babysit

    with Fall coming rake leaves

    shovel snow

    take dogs for walks for a fee (people love that!)

    clean a family members room for a price

    do someones laundry for a fee

    wash someones car!

    have fun.... Good Luck

  9. -Chores around the house that ur parents will pay you for (Gardening, Lawn Mowing, Vacuuming etc.)

    -Paper routes

    -Pretty sure domino's also is hiring younger staff, ive seen 12 year old working there haha.

  10. Helping around your own house

    Cutting grass

    Babysitting when you are 13 probably...

    Watering plants

    Walking dogs

    Shovelling snowy driveways (depends where you live, time of year)

    Just ask your neighbours or people on your street what they might need help with.

  11. neighborhood lawn work


    dog walking

    paper route


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