
Whats the best way for my daughter to find her birth parents?

by Guest62584  |  earlier

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Whats the best way for my daughter to find her birth parents?




  1. When you get a name is good.

  2. It depends what country and what state she was born in.

    Here's a start - especially if she was born in the USA -

    First - add details to the reunion registries here

    Check here for information on state records -

    (click on the page marked 'Searchers' down the left hand side)

    Check here for search help - and links to search angels -

    You should allow your daughter to do the bulk of the search for herself - when she is fully ready to do so.

    By all means - help where you can - but it's quite important for most adoptees to do this stuff themselves - then they feel more control over things.

    Have you got details you can hand over to her to help out - adoption agency used etc?? Anything can help.

    If she was born elsewhere - add some more info to your question - and others may be able to help out.

    She can contact me through my email here if she needs any support or other help.

  3. blood test. files at the place you adpoted her, they should have some info.

  4. Thank you for supporting your daughter--sounds like you are a great AP.

    Possum & Julie J gave great advice!

  5. Look up the laws in your state. A few states have open records. Other states have adoption registries. Most states offer something called  "Non-identifying" information. You can request this and receive very general information about the birth-family. Then visit adoption sites like and Then go to the national registry... Issr. Join a local adoption search group.

  6. the internet, it helped me alot.

  7. go to the hospital she was born at and see if the doc can check the files 4 her parents

  8. Hi Benjamin,

    If she is 18 or older, I would recommend she register with International Soundex Reunion Registry. They are free, and it's a well known, worldwide, mutual registry.  I found 2 separate family members that way. See Link below.

    If she is still a minor, how you find her will depend on what kind of adoption it is.  You could try contacting the agency if there was one and put it in writing that you would like contact with your daughter's natural family.  Keep in mind that not all agencies are going to be helpful there.  Do you have your adoption decree or other paperwork?  The names of the other parents may be on there.  If you went through an attorney, he/she may have records of who the other parents are.  You could let them know you would like to contact the other parents, or give them your names to pass on to them.  Another option is going through the state if you live in one of the 6 states where original birth certificates are available to adoptees and their adoptive families.

    There are other ways of going about this online with your daughter's date of birth and place of birth.  The other party would also have to be searching for that to work.  Reunions do happen all the time.  One final note - Make sure that your daughter wants to do this & is prepared for this.  Remember that support groups are available too, for any time during the process.

    Good luck!

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

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