
Whats the best way of doing my food shopping on a tight budget. I need to cut some cost back?

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I like in the uk




  1. Buy basic foods in volume, not preprepared meals.

    Always check the bargain bin first.

    Go to the shop with cash only, just enough for your intended purchases. Not cards.

    In the evening sandwiches can be 1/4 of their initial price.

  2. nettos on sat/sun they reduce a lot of items from the monday to friday price.

  3. shop at asda its cheapest by far make a list and also dont shop when your hungry that leads to massive over spending!!!!

  4. dont waste money on ready meals ..they are ugh! natural ingredients and make your own meals it can be fun experiment with fruit and veg in different combinations will save cash and enjoy yourself..

  5. Internet shopping it may sound more extravagant but it stops impulse buying

  6. Firstly make a shopping list. Keep a note pad somewhere easy to assess so you can write things down as you use them. This helps you to remember what you need. Fewer trips to the shops means fewer impluse buys. Use catalog's to shop for specials. Use discount coupons, two for one offers, etc. But buy only what you know how to use. No good having a ton of chick peas if you don't know how to, or won't, cook them.

    Buy basic food items, generally they are cheaper than pre-packaged meals, for example here pre-made schnitzels are $15.00 kg, but buy the meat, and crumb it yourself, and its down to $7-9 per kg.

    Its cheaper to buy bread, butter/margarine and fillings than buying take away sandwiches. Brown bag your work lunches.

    Look at home brand/no name items. Try them. Some are as good as the name brands and a whole lot cheaper.

    Buy in bulk, but only if you have the proper resources to store them. No good buying a bulk meat pack if you don't have room in the freezer. Portion into meal sized servings to avoid waste.

    Supermarkets tend to place the most expensive items at waist to eye level. Look at the top and bottom shelves for the cheaper brands.

    Look at the discount or close to use by shelves. If you want them for tea tonight they don't have to last another two weeks do they?

    Buy in season fruits and vegetables. Out of season they have extra costs in getting them in, and that's reflected on the prices.

    Don't shop hungry, that can lead to impulse buying.

    Take your time shopping so you can compare the prices on the different brands. And check the price per weight, big packets/cans aren't always the best buy.

    Don't waste food. Don't cook more than you can eat in a meal, unless you KNOW that you can freeze it for later, or will eat it as leftovers.

    Good luck. With a little adjustment, you can eat well on a budget.

  7. Do more home cooking, soups etc, use the butchers more often to make stews etc, do away with crisps, sweets, bakery shops, eat cereal in the morning, if you eat bread cut iot down by halve or more a friut and veg.

  8. Go to Aldi/Lidl, I swear you can pay half the price of what you would spend in sainsburys/Tesco for the same amount of shopping, and most of it whilst not name brand is just as good! and they do have cheap name brand stuff too.

    I spent about 8 quid in Aldi on ingredients for a roast dinner for 6 including a great big fresh chicken for only £2.50.

    We're going to have a low budget but yummy roast tomorrow.

  9. Asda always comes out top in the cheapest supermarkets. Also try to stick to vegetables that are loose not prepacked or ready prepared. Ready meals are also expensive for what they contain. Finally (and obvious try some supermarket own brands, they are not that bad ).

  10. Make a shopping list of things you want to buy and then go through it and cut out all the things you consider to be either unnecessary or "luxury"...things you dont really need though you like them.  When you go shopping make sure you have eaten first and then you are less likely to buy more than you need.

  11. just purchase the things that you really what you need and not what you WANT...prioritize things the way they should be...

  12. 1. Coupons

    2. Eliminate unneccesary food.

    3. Avoid two for one deals.

    4. Use the store's coupon card if available.

    5. Use a calculator at the grocery.

    6. Make a list before you go shopping.

    7. Eat before you go shopping

    8. Change to generics

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