
Whats the best way of getting paid for work ive done ..ive been subcontracting to a company who avoid payment

by  |  earlier

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Avoiding my calls,

When you ring up to speak to the directors there not in..

iI have heard so many excuses

What can i do?

I have stopped working for them for this reason..




  1. File a suit in Small Claims Court.

    That usually gets their attention.

  2. Go to county court and instruct bailiffs, its only about £50. The bailiff will go to the premises and do a survey of the companies premises up to the value outstanding to you and a time frame to pay you other wise they will come and take the listed equipment.

    This does work as somebody I knew had to do this to a car insurer as they wouldnt pay up. Once bailifs had done the survey the insurance company suddenly was able to pay!


  3. go back and steal stuff

  4. If you work for an agency then its their obligation to pay you regardless if they get paid by the company or not.  Also word of mouth can do a company a lot of damage.  A construction firm i worked for held back on paying my agency their money i still got paid and the agency tossed them of their books and told the other agencies to watch out for them so now they have no labour means they pay their full timers double time for having to do the labouring as well.

  5. i come up against this all the time. people dont respond to phone calls. you need to send a letter outlining the problem, how many times you have tried to contact them and put something official in there like what legal action you will pursue if you are not paid within say 14 days. this usually works.

    i have another trick i use. it works well with males that are avoiding my call. i use a friends phone in case they are screening my number and i leave a message saying hi ****** this is ******, love it if you would call me back soon and then hang up. doing this in my sexiest kitten voice guarrantees a call back asap. when they call me they have no idea that its me until I demand my money or threaten legal action. works like a charm :)

  6. write a letter demanding payment. include in that letter what work you did and what you bid the job for...the payment arrangements basically. send it certified mail (signature reciept) so you know they got it.

    contact an attorney if you dont hear back...

  7. Nightcra is exactly right in what he says so I am not going to repeat it

    However because you did work you also have the right to appeal to an

    Industrial tribunal for the money

    First steps I would take is to write them a letter advising them that unless they pay up within fourteen days(a reasonable amount of time under the law) you'll either instigate civil proceedings in a civil court or appeal to an industrial tribunal

    Also look in your phone book for your local ACAS (Arbitration conciliation and Advisory Service) believe me this organisation ain't the Monolith some believe Local offices are staffed by a lot of ex trade union guys and they are delighted to talk to some local guy that's being shafted by the big company's

    When you send letters make sure you have proof of postage I;e send it recorded delivery ok ?

  8. You need to send a letter threatening legal action. Just straight to the point - "Should this account not be paid on receipt of this letter, I feel I will have no alternative but to place this account in the hands of my solicitors.  This is an action I would take with the greatest of reluctance, but I feel that I have been left with no alternative."

    Send it Registered, so the letter has to be signed for.  Also, give them a date that you will be sending it to a solicitors.

    Good luck!

  9. SUE !!

    I had that trouble too.

  10. hire a debt collector

    there are companies specialize with collecting debt, they charge by percentage of the debt money

  11. Get intouch with Citizens advice..

    You'l be looking at compensation.

    They can't not pay you for work you've done.

    Good luck.

  12. First, make sure your records are completely in order and that you have clearly written to the company stating your claim and requesting payment.  If the company has still not paid within a reasonable time, then, in the UK, take them to the Small Claims Court.  

    Make sure all your records of correspondence (written and verbal) are complete, including who agreed what and when.  Especially note whether there have been any complaints about your work.  If not, it would be unreasonable of them to now raise such complaints as a reason for non-payment.  It is one of the ways debtors try to wriggle out  of payment.

    The Small Claims Court is quick and easy to use and will provide as much guidance as they can.  You do not need a solicitor.  It is an inexpensive process but, even so, don't forget to claim for ALL your expenses, overdraft fees, phone calls, postage and the like (but DO NOT  LIE or exagerate).  Your costs can all be repaid along with the debt.

    Good luck.  

  13. Do you have proof of your work? Did people see you go and work there? Can anyone vouch for you? If so, tell them that you will sue if you don't get the money you deserve. If they still ignore you, get a lawyer and sue thier a$$e$.

  14. threaten them with legal action.

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