
Whats the best way to advertise your Ann Summers buisness

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I have just started doing Ann Summers organising and was wondering what the best way to advertise is, Im told im pretty good at it just need to get my name out there.




  1. Use the small ads in your local newspaper.Have parties.

  2. friends, workmates, neighbours

    ie word of mouth

  3. This is what i did:

    Start off doing parties for family & friends (getting extra bookings from each, starting the snowball rolling)

    Print off some business cards & go on pub crawl, sneaking a pile or two into the ladies loos by the sinks. (dont get caught by the 'managment' though, they will tell you off & dump the cards)

    Put a card in a shop window.

    Always carry a supply of business cards to give to anyone who shows an interest.

    These methods built up a decent customer base that lasted a few years until i became board with it all & packed it in.  

    Good luck ;-)

  4. Start throwing parties for friends at work, get some fliers made up and tell them to pass them on to their friends if they enjoyed it.

    Ask your local pub if they could put some posters up for an ann summers night there. The pub will be happy because they get the bar takings!

    Advertise in the free local press.

    Just get some parties organised! If they are good enough word of mouth should get you lots of partied booked in.

    Have fun and good luck!

  5. If you are an Ann Summers party organiser you can now spend a few hours in your local store canvassing, ie, standing at the front of the shop and talking to customers as they come in. You need to speak to your unit organiser who will request it with the area manager, she then passes the request onto the retail area manager who informs the store.

    It's a great place to canvass for business as most of the customers will be aware of and familiar with the Ann Summers brand.

    Try approaches such as ''Hello, have you ever been to an Ann Summers party?''. You can lead on from there whether they say yes or no.

    You can then ask the manager if it's OK for you to leave some business cards behind, they will often put them into customer's carrier bags for you.

    Another good tip is to buy some clear keyrings and put a mini picture of the latest catalogue or a new lingerie line in with your name and phone number on the other side. The staff will love them and keep them on their set of keys. Lots of customers come into Ann Summers stores and ask about parties, the staff can give them your number instead of the party plan hotline.

    As well as the advice other members have given you, this will really help you get your name out there. One word of advice though, be nice to the store staff and respect their ground rules or they will refuse to have you back.

    Good luck!


  7. my friend does these.

    she has adverts in the ladies toilets in a few pubs and bars.

    and in the local newspapers.

    and in local corner shops (etc) notice boards.

    "looking to have a giggle with the girls?

    need hen party ideas etc etc

    call sharon on 904382435804"

    that kinda of ad, nothing sleazy :)


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