
Whats the best way to be a laid back parent?

by Guest63884  |  earlier

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I am trying to take the whole laid back approach on raising my two year old, she is very strong willed and I think that is a good quality, I don't want to break her. But what would be the best way to become that way?




  1. Choose your battles. Decide in your head which ones are really worth fighting over and disciplining her for and which ones aren't. For example- when my daughter was 2 she would only eat canned carrots because she couldn't get over the texture of real carrots while chewin them. One night my husband (who is usually fairly intelligent....) gave her regular carrots and spent the majority of the night fighting with her about eating the carrots. I don't care how or what kind of carrots she eats so long as she does it but my husband HAD to butt head with her over it and make her eat the regular carrots.

    Don't get into the habit of letting her do whatever she wants because that's a tough one to break later on but just decide for yourself (you and your husband) what's really important to you (is it that she picks up her toys at the end of the day? is it that she doesn't hit a sibling? etc.) and stick to your guns on those issues.

    I have a 'strong-willed' 3 year old so I totally get it. You have to find that happy medium for both of you.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. I agree with Xrag on not being too laid back.  Try and keep your cool and do discipline her.

  3. Don't let the little things that she does bother you. Ignore the little things and try to find something else for her to do when she really messed up or just put her in time out if shes bad and stay calm, don't show any anger in your face.

  4. I suggest not being too laid back as your daughter will then walk all over you.

    being laid back does not mean no discipline. Just have a lot of fun with her and I am sure she will keep her [personality

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