
Whats the best way to become a commercial pilot?

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I'm 16 and my dream is to become a commercial pilot.

I am clueless as how to come about it however.

I really can't afford the costs so how would I become sponsored?

Or should I just do it the boring way and join the RAF first? I really dont want to do that but I just can;t afford it. Neither can my family.

Please help. Any advice is greatfully accepted.




  1. If i wanted to become a pilot then what i'd do is join the air force because it's a free way to learn to become a pilot.  They only negative though is that you have to serve for a couple years.

  2. you've already answered your own question, military or you don't become a pilot, as you can't afford the other route. You've got to ask yourself which is worse joining the forces or not becoming a pilot.

    Edit: 'Depressing'  to be honest don't bother going for the RAF we want people who want to serve, not go to a glorified collage.

  3. your best bet is to join the air force or navy.  Most commercial airlines hire only people that have been in the military. It's really almost impossible for an average person to become one.  Good Luck and I hope you make it!

  4. Heather you are 16 years old,

    I joined the Fleet Air Arm (navy) at 19, learned to fly at the nations expense,

    I left, well, resigned at 25(you can do that) and started with BA as a trainee First Officer and here I am, but not an FO any more and we love lady pilots

    The forces are a good grounding go for it


  5. if you really want to be a commercial pilot you need to go to a 4 year university and enroll in an aviation program. thankfully you are young so by time you get through the hectic levels of private, then instrument, then commercial, then multi engine, then flight instructing ( this level causes thee most butt puckering moments of any flying career), the pilot job market will hopefully be better.

    if you can't afford it come to the USA and take out some loans and do your university work here also.

  6. Hijack a plane. Then you can go wherever you want.

  7. no no no... military is not the way to go. if you join the military you need to serve for 4 or more years. the aviation industry goes up and down. If airlines are hiring and your stuck in the military your screwed. Go to an aviation university. this will cost you about $50,000 now adays but if you really want to fly money is no object if you want to be happy and do what you love. you can start college with no experience and 4 years later be ready for an entry level airline position!

    happy flying!

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