
Whats the best way to cheer a person up?

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Whats the best way to cheer a person up?




  1. ice cream cake

  2. Talk to him/her the way that you know will make him/her laugh.  It will certainly brighten the day.

  3. go for a drive..roll down the windows...blast their favorite song!  

  4. cheering up s*x?!

  5. make them laugh or do there fav thing to do

  6. Just be there. Don't ask lots of questions or try to hard. When my sister needs cheering up I go to her house with a rented DVD and a pizza. We hang out and relax, talk about random things and take her mind off of things for a while. Eventually she opens up to me about what has her down and she starts feeling much better. Give the person a little space and let them be sad without being overbearing and insisting the other person talk about it.  

  7. For me it's the encouragement if your friend is feeling lonely or depressed. You can also tell him/her to go out and hang out with a place he/she likes. Or you can play online games with him/her. In anything you do for him/her, you can try to make her happy while encouraging him.

  8. take that person to a different place. a change in environment is mentally soothing but at the same time stimulating.  

  9. Buy them a cute card, just thinking of you. Flowers, plan a picnic, kiss them!

  10. Don't be all in their face but treat them to something they really enjoy if it's going to a movie or just talking on the phone or eating junk at someones house it always works!

  11. cat says end their miserable life, or give cake

  12. a hug

  13. First I would ask the person if I can help.. I would be able to better judge the situation if i knew what the problem was why this person is feeling down. If this person is feeling down for a rather trivial reason I would show them that I appreciate their company and would make some suggestions on what we could do and see if the other person is interested or agrees to anything i suggests or comes up with suggestions of their own. If this person is depressed and has a reason then I would say.. I am here.  if you want to talk about it, maybe I can help, maybe a burden shared is a burden eased? If you want to talk about it, feel free I am here for you..  if you need quiet time.  Let me know if you want me to leave. and if the person was distressed but did not want to talk I would just hug the person or put my arm on that persons arm and show them through body contact that I care and if they want to remain quiet I would respect that..  it's not always possible to cheer someone up.. it would depend on the circumstances why they are upset. I would try to encourage and I would not leave them alone if they were in a bad way even if i had to phone someone of their family.. before I had to leave.. I would not believe it save to leave them on their own..  It depends are they just bored, frustrated then I would motivate and encourage them to do something fun together but if they were depressed.. I would see.. does it help them to talk and I just listen. Do they want to be quiet.  I just keep them company in silence and hold their hand until they are ready to talk or go to sleep or whatever.. then i would tell a family member.. about it to come and I would stay until they get there.. xx

  14. i'm thinking just taking the person out and act like nothing has happened. like it's just another day. eventually the person will get over it for a bit, and forget.

    but trying too hard to cheer a person up is just bad.

    so dont be silly around them, unless ofcourse u usually are.  

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