
Whats the best way to clean it?

by  |  earlier

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i dint want to set it off. i like it to be really thoroughly cleaned though, just in case i need to use it.

soap, water, and my hand dont seem like the absolute best things to use




  1. No idea what "it" is but soap and water is a good general thing to clean with. If you don't like using your hand use a wash cloth.  

  2. clean what??

  3. Clean what?/

  4. get an SOS pad and scrub until it bleeds

  5. Hey Sephen C !!!

    Unfortunatetly; soap, water & U're hands is all that really can be use 2 clean it.  Anything elses could be painful & can even irritate it 2 the point of being really hurtful.

    Sorry, but that's all U can really do my friend & if U mean "it" being U're "p***s", then U're doing it right.

    U're pal;


  6. What R U cleaning? Come on! Complete the question.

  7. clean wat lol

  8. haha how old are you thinkin about that

  9. Oh c'mon we're all a big family here. You can say 'p***s' don't be shy. We won't laugh (HAHAHAHAHA)

  10. This is the Men's Health Section. I'm sure that if you're having hygiene-problems, Yahoo Answers wouldn't care about the "word" you need to say....Men are constantly reporting having erectile dysfunctions in this forum, trust me. It'll be okay, your address won't get removed. I've posted worse, trust me.

    But yeah, do what I do, and just use soap and water. If that doesn't work, then...Erm...scrub hard. Scrub really, REALLY hard.

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