
Whats the best way to cool y ourself on a muggy, hot summer day?

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Just some tips..

I dont have AC or Central Air,

Im moving August 1st though - thankfully i will have Central air..

and yeah,

i know i take showers alot and all,

but anymore tips?

thanks :D




  1. Jump in the pool.  I have a small inflatable pool, and I fill it with water from the hose.

  2. strip naked and lay infront of the A/C.

  3. go swimming or dump a water bucker over ur head


  4. Go see a movie that's air conditioned or go to a friend's.

  5. get water and pour it on top of your head

  6. Drink cold water and/or soak a rag in cold water and put it on your head........ it feels amazing!!!!!

  7. Get those ice cubes that have water in a plastic bubble, freeze them and wrap them in a washcloth to lay against your neck when you're sitting around.

  8. The healthiest way to do it is to eat alot of fresh fruits and drink plenty of water. Eating fatty foods will just make u hotter. showers and everything work too but when u get out of them u will feel hotter bec ur body wants to return to its natural temp more quickly. So make sure to keep ur self thoroughly hydrated and it should help.


  10. have one of those spritzer/ water spray things that you just spray... does that make any sense? I don't think so

  11. three words. POOL. OF. JELLO.

    or just make popsicles!!!

  12. Drink a lot of water!!!!  keep your body hydrated....If you tickle your skin lightly while watching TV or something, it will give you goose bumps and make you feel relaxed which will quickly bring your body temperature down.... sounds weird but it totally works!!!  other wise go somewhere  where there is air starbucks or barnes and noble that sounds nice!

  13. an electric fan helps, also wear loose cotton clothing and in the evenings you can lightly sprinkle some cold water on your bed before you sleep. (I said sprinkle, not douse)

  14. Ice cold Miller Lite

  15. Stay moderately hydrated, not just water but an appropriate electrolyte.

    You can cool yourself perfectly by wearing a wet t-shirt and sitting in the breeze of a fan. But be careful of over-cooling yourself .

    With a shirt on, and well hydrated, you can build up a sweat that can keep you cool in even a slight breeze.

  16. Don't use your stove/oven, just makes it hotter, get a fan and/or a little spray bottle filled with cool water, drink lots of cold fluids, take cool showers, wear loose fitting clothes, and hang out in places that do have air conditioning until you get your own.  Stay cool!

  17. Magicool really works you can buy it from most chemists it is in a deodorant type can hope it helps

  18. Wrap a cold wet cloth around your neck.

  19. Those ice packs!!! I have a huge one that you just freeze ovre and over... all you do is buy like three and put them on your neck, forearms, or back, and once they get hot or warm just switch them out!!!!

  20. Buy a fan that squirts out water.

  21. yea a pool crazy. If one of your buddys has a pool call them up a go swimming

  22. If you have a porch or a backyard, you could get one of those $25 water spritzer things that hook up to your water hose.  It squirts a fine mist over about a ten by ten area.  You could use a fan to circulate the air too.  A friend of mine did this and it works wonders.  She got it at Sam's but you can probably get one on the internet.  Also, keep a cool wet washcloth or hand towel handy to run over your skin as you try to get to sleep indoors at night.  Motorcycle riders get those neck tie things you keep in the fridge until you need them.  I've used them too and they are great.  Put a bottle of lotion in the fridge then slosh it on.  Put some ice and juice or frozen friut in your blender for a refreshing treat.  Keep your bath full of cool water and soak a lot. Put a fan by your bed.

  23. Hang out at the mall until close, then sleep with wet washcloths on neck and lots of fans! Jump in a lake, pool or whatever to stay cool!

  24. Run through the sprinkler.

  25. buy those popsicles that have juice in tubes....i used to eat those alot when my ac went out

  26. Keep a cold, wet towel around your neck, take a cool shower and don't dry your hair, go swimming, eat ice cream and/or a popsicle, wear nothing but really short shorts and a spaghetti strap to if you're a girl, draw all of the curtains and close the blinds in your house but keep the windows open and stay in a room with a fan, ceiling or otherwise, like the living room or your bedroom or the coolest room in the house.

  27. take cold showers or baths.

    go to the mall or bookstore or somewhere that does have air:)




  29. jump in a pool

  30. wear lose fitting clothing, in your case with no air an all u may just wanna wear your undees. I'd sit in my bathtub full of cold water 4a while and deink plenty of water.

    I know its weird but maybe try soaking your sheets n cold water and wrapping yourself n them. beats overheating and passing out.

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