
Whats the best way to die?

by  |  earlier

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im not suicidal, just curious




  1. You have to wait till you get old and die by natural cause.

  2. When Jesus comes to take you home.

  3. In peace, in my sleep.

    Or, taking a bullet for someone I love...

    Even if it would be slow and painful..

  4. Being in bed with 10 s**y women that are extremely aggressive, making love to them (s*x) in bed and eventually running out of breath DX

  5. in peace  

  6. this is a weird question, I dont know cause ive never died. Maybe you should read a book or something, so that your not thinking so much about death

  7. In a blaze of glory.

  8. I've always wanted to go with a heart attack on a roller coaster, call me crazy...but it seems like a good way to in your heart!

  9. In a terrible accident. Suicide's interesting, but it causes a lot of drama.

    Of course, I'm a sucker for the old-fashioned stake through the heart.

    I don't care how I die, but if I'm killed, I want to be avenged. Nobody murders me and gets away with it.  

  10. in ur sleep when u cant feel it.

    or by a vampire bite from Edward Cullen.

  11. Heroically

  12. being shot. fast and painless.

  13. With Jesus in your heart.  

  14. Bullet in the back of the head when you don't know it's coming

  15. In your sleep of old age.  

  16. On a bed surrounded by friends and God

  17. the best way to die is in sleep. that way, you wont feel any pain and you wont know that you are going to die.

  18. In your sleep

  19. Taking down my enemies by tearing them to shreds with my bare hands, then drowning in their blood while leveling everything except the innocents in a 70 meter radius tranced in a maniacal somewhat gurgled laughter.

  20. well, the funnest way would be bungee jumping. [:

  21. happy.

  22. during your sleep. go to bed and don't wake up.  

  23. O.D on shrooms

  24. shoot your self (dont try this at all)

  25. A peaceful no-pain death.

  26. In your sleep.

  27. in the hands of jesus! lol


  28. having too much wild and crazy s*x

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