
Whats the best way to explain to my 13 year old that democrats only care about the elite liberals ?

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  1. Perhaps you shouldn't try to explain this to a 13 yr. old, since it isn't really the truth!  I'm a Democrat & far from being an elitist!  Please don't try to push your agenda onto a young person, especially since it isn't entirely the truth!

  2. Ok have your kid go out and bust his butt all day and then hand your kid $10 and then take $7 dollars back and give it to his laziest friend you know of. You know that kid that is about 25 lbs overweight sits around in his sweats all day and plays XBOX. Then explain to him that is what a liberal does he takes the honest hard working mans money and gives it to the laziest parts of society. Then you have just created another Conservative Republican. Welcome to the club glad to have you aboard.

  3. Don't  even try. He's probably smarter than you.

  4. we're not going to help you brainwash your child. stop it.

  5. Why would you want to lie to an impressionable child?

    The democrats I vote for care about the poor and the working class more than the elite.

  6. Just be honest and tell the youngster the honest to Gods truth,  he or she will then grow up to be a fine conservative.

  7. Try telling your 13-year-old that Republicans only care about elite conservatives. Then show him how a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers have become wealthier and more powerful thanks to their 'selection' of George W. Bush as President, a marionette who dangles from orders by d**k Cheney, who in turn takes orders from these elite puppet masters. Then explain how the "Republicrats" trade places every four, six or eight years just to give the appearance that voters actually have a choice - or voice - in our electoral process. Then try to explain how a monopolistic, corrupt two-party political system has maintained a stranglehold on the governance of our country for the past six decades, and it has finally managed to kill the goose that laid the golden egg as they have collectively turned a free nation into a dynasty-driven dictatorship dominated by despots.  -RKO-  06/18/08

  8. Your best option would be to not let your child fall into that uneducated fallacy. To say that all of them only care about elite liberals is not true. I am a moderate-conservative but i can at least see that not all democrats are bad although many are.

    Educate your child to know the truth. Some people on both sides of the aisle are corrupt and greedy. Just like some people on both sides of the aisle are very good human beings.

  9. show her the clinton list of criminal activities in his presidency and state this is the product of liberals/democrats in the white house.  one things for sure, shell have no problem spelling the suffix...gate.

    again the answer to your question is relate this to the train wreck of the clinton administration where the lack of ethics was graphic...

    and thanks for being a good parent.

  10. My parents pushed their political points of view on me my whole life. I can understand trying to teach your children morals. But you have to let them decide how they feel about politics. Democrats have some wonderful things about them, as do republicans. And truthfully if you want to teach your daughter that democrats only care about the elite liberals you should teach her that republicans only care about the elite conservatives. It has to go both ways. And never make her feel bad for the way that she believes.

  11. Child abuse is not funny!

    Actually I would love to hear you explain liberal views to him, and explain why you oppose them

  12. Explain that the best thing about being an American is that you have the right to think for yourself


  13. Tell him/her that democrats all think like his/her teachers.

    (S)he will understand immediately.

  14. dont....that's a complete generalization, completely incorrect, and kind of rude actually....

  15. why do you want to BRAINWASH a 13 yo, with your obvious outdated ideas?

    let the child learn BOTH sides, and then make an Educated choice.

    Are you related to Rush LIMPBalls?

    btw...I am a registered Republican, just not too impressed with irresponsible politics, in any form.

  16. another example of home schooling at it's best.

  17. Don't tell him/her that, that early. the nature of politics in general is something they will learn once they start participating(voting, etc.)

  18. Take him/her to an introductory humanities course lecture at a major university so he/she can glimpse the indoctrination enough to run fast - in the other direction!  Peace

  19. You know, I'd let your kid find their own truth.

  20. Don't let society indoctrinate your kid to be another liberal, teach them to think independently rather than to follow what's "kewl" and what they hear from the media and their friends.

  21. You have to be patient and realize that he is getting brainwashed on a daily basis by his peers, teachers, and the media. But as long as you stay involved with his life and let him know you are there for him no matter what, you both will be able to overcome Liberalism together. You have to treat it like underage s*x or drugs, just say no. And you have to work everyday to conteract the harmful effects of society and his surroundings.

  22. Be sure to point out to him these facts:

    1. 90% of the "Hollywood Elite" are Democrats. They want what's best for them not you. It's always as i say...not as I Do"

    2. Be sure to take him to Al Gore's comedy "An Inconvient Truth". It was just reported today on CNN that Al Gore's home uses enough electricity to power 230 homes for a year.

    3. Be sure to point out the elitist things we saw during the Clinton Administration and how Hillary's policies favor elitists.

    4. Keep him out of public schools. Their agenda leans farther to the LEFT than the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

    5. be sure to point of that practically EVERY "elite republican conservative" got that way by putting a LOT of people on his payroll. Rich people get that way by using their resources to help them. That trickles down to J-O-B-S for all Americans.

  23. drive thru a public housing project and tell her these people are bought and paid for to vote democrat and this is what they get

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