
Whats the best way to gain weight?

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I am 5'7 and 110 lbs. The thing is, I eat a lot and my lifestyle in not that active, so by all definitions I should be gaining weight, but I don't.




  1. What is your aim - to bulk up with muscle or increase body fat? If it's the former, exercise and a protein-rich diet is the way to go. Otherwise, just eat eat eat. Though i'm ashamed to suggest it, hit McDonalds if you must.

  2. my bff says you should eat after eight cuz it all turns to fatttttt.

  3.          Sit on the couch and eat tons of doritos. If that doesn't work eat different groups of junk like twinkies,popcicles and cheese chex mix or both!

  4. i think first u should drink milk...that can help and also u should eat many meals a day...but don't eat too much in every meal... have more meals but little food each meal

  5. first of all why would you want to gain weight  but any way if you really want to gain weight eat junk food and eat out alot then sit on the couch all day and  if you were a premi then your just going to be smaller thats the way it is

  6. Well muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so you must hit the gym and start a good weight lifting routine.  Take a look at the magazine Men's Health for good exercises.  If you are looking to gain weight, stay away from lots of cardio (like running) and focus on lifting and eating lots of protein like chicken and fish and GOOD carbs like potatoes and wheat bread.  Good luck!

  7. I would see a doctor.  If he determines you really need to add weight, he can prescribe a medicine called Megase.  It is used to help people gain weight safely but it requires a prescription.

  8. I'd be so jealous ..  

  9. have a very fast metabolic rate....all i can say is eat a lotta chips.....

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