
Whats the best way to get and stay organized for high school?

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im in 9th grade and school just started last week and i feel that i cant stay or get organized .I've never had a problem with this in the past years but for some reason i cant seem to get myself around to doing it. i have 8 classes now . 4 one day and the other 4 the next, so i dont have to bring stuff from all 8 classes everyday. thank you anything would be much appreciated




  1. haha lol. high school!? you don't need to be organized for that. wait till you go to university. as long as you bring the right book on the right day your good.

  2. i normally have an organizer as a binder, i prefer that instead of a normal binder(things don't rip/fall out). Also, don't stuff a lot of papers into your binder, organize each paper you get and put them in the correct subject.

  3. I'm in 9th grade also! That's really funny. but i haven't gone to school yet. i live NJ. Where do you live in?

    This is how get organized:


    Take care when creating your class schedule that you commit to a comfortable balance of 'artistic' and 'scientific' classes to insure a wide variety of experiences. If you are having trouble finding a good balance, meet with your school counselor before you choose your classes.


    Think about how you tend to organize yourself outside of school. Do charts help you to keep things orderly? If so, make a chart for each class, which can be filled in with relevant details as the year progresses.


    Buy a miniature tape recorder to bring to class, especially if you are an 'audio' learner. You can study your notes from each class by replaying the tape.


    Devise a sample plan for doing homework. Will you study right after school, or wait until dinner ends? Finding a comfortable study time will insure more balanced and successful sessions.


    Buy your books ahead of time and read the first chapter to familiarize yourself with the topics you'll be learning.


    Dedicate one full notebook to each subject or class. Choose different colors for each class so you can find the right notebook easily.  

  4. Have a different Folder and notebook for each class, that's what I did. It seems like a lot, but it's easier that way and not expensive. You should also get a shelf in your locker if you don't have one, and keep your calculator, ruler, erasers, pens and pencils on the shelf. Also, keep a plastic bag with spare tennis shoes and gym clothes in there. I'd also keep an extra 5 dollar bill in your locker in case you forget your lunch or money to buy a lunch.

  5. try to get as much organized as you can eventually it will become a good habit.

  6. First off, get yourself some binders & pocket tabs! Then make a binder for each class (i'd put some extra paper & and pencil in it too) & add in the pocket tabs. Label them for stuff like homework, notes, tests and anything else you might need. Then whenever you get papers back from class, put them right into their spots. Trust me, it makes life SO much easier! & it'll be a lot less stress for you if you only bring the binders that you'll be using that day. Oh, & get yourself a good planner book to write down important dates!

    Good luck & remember, don't stress TO much, just enjoy your high school years! :)

  7. Oh, you are on the 4x4. High schools like that, you definetely need a locker. Just like you had said, you don't want to bring the books and materials for the classes back and forth everyday. If I was in your situation, I would get a locker and divide the locker in half. Have the four classes that I'm going to have on one shelf and the other four classes stuff on the other shelf. The textbooks that they tell you to keep at home, I would definetely keep it at home but keep it where it can be seen because when you have to return it, it would be easier to find. But in general, have like a folder or binder with paper and some tabs. For that reason, I put stuff in there that is like due or a very important assignment. Because that folder I'm going to be looking at every single day with all 8 classes. Because it doesn't mean that you have these classes today, you have to totally forget bout the other 4. And most importantly keep a planner.  

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