
Whats the best way to get over my fear of deep water/ learning how to swim?

by Guest62625  |  earlier

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Im not afraid of deep water ive been on boats and such. I just cant get to the point where I could jump in or learn to even swim in any water deeper than 5'5 ft.




  1. its a matter of confidence! just tred water and keep going deeper and deeper face your fear!!

  2. Start in the shallow end, get comfortable with floating. Then start swimming, still in the shallow end.  When you get comfortable with that move to deeper water.  Just a little at a time and pretty soon you will be confident of your abilities and it won't bother you anymore.

  3. I went to a very large pool that had a 3 foot end and a 12 foot end.  Practiced swimming from the 3 foot end to the 12 foot end until I was completely comfortable with it.   Just go with a friend and go as far as you feel comfortable, then go back and try again.  When you get use to it you will stop noticing the depth and be able to continue to the end.  When you do, celebrate and give yourself positive reinforcement (a special treat just for you).

    This year was the first time I have ever been swimming in truly deep water.  I jumped in 60ft deep water.  I was more nervous than I expected (since I had been preparing for it) but it was great.  Since I was swimming at the top (Not trying to dive or anything special) and I could easily reach the line from the boat, I know that I am now comfortable in any depth.

    Don't try to push yourself too fast. Go slow and easy and comfortable, or you will make your fear worse.

  4. life jacket!

  5. basically its a confidence thing, however trying to just face your fear in one step only deepens your fear if its not what you expect.  i have same fear at open water. i feel gradually moving from shallow open water to deeper water is best. always have some sort of floatation device as well. helps build confidence that you have something to hold. i even tried having a rope tied to boat that i held onto while swimming at least while i was getting use to being in open water. really comes in handy when you get anxious at stages when you look under water and see how deep it is. at least you have something to hold onto. but if you are scared always have someone watching you especially if you have that fear. best of luck

  6. You need to be confident that the water will support you and that you will not sink. Try standing in very shallow water and place something on the pool bottom that you can pick up. Bend down and pick it up, then repeat the exercise, each time getting into slightly deeper water. Eventually, you should reach the position where you're about chest deep and you will suddenly find that you can't just reach down and pick the item off the bottom but have to swim down for it. Once you realise that, you'll know that you'll always end up near the surface and that it will take very little effort to get your head above water for a breath of air.

    Get swimming lessons, too, so that you can swim properly: that way, you should overcome your fear of deep water. Good luck!

  7. Just face your fear. Thats the only way to get over your fear.

  8. try taking swimming lessons where you know you'll be totally safe

  9. Just believe in yourself, take deep breaths, don't over analyze the situation and just go with the flow and don't let anything stop you from doing what you strive to do. Also practice often.

  10. its a matter of confidence

  11. Being able to hold your breath and kinda, just dunk your head under the water untill you become comfortable.

    Then take some next steps as to going completely under the water and just sit there in shallow water so you have control over your ability to get up and out, from being under the water.

    Eventualy you'll become comfortable being under water,  try some movements under water aswell, to build up your confidence.

    Learn to float while under water, once your comfortable .

  12. I'm afraid also. But believe that you will not drown. That's all.

  13. Go find an intro to scuba class at a local dive shop.  One store near me offers a class for about $10-15.  You bring a towel and a swim suit, and they will give you an overview of scuba, an orientation on the gear, and then put you in the pool with an instructor.  You will not get certified, but you will get maybe 30 minutes in the water, playing with the gear, and starting to get comfortable with it.  It's a great way to get underwater and still feel comfortable.  Once you do that, you may realize that you CAN get in water deeper than 5', and still survive.

  14. If you can swim good in a pool than you can swim fine in deep water.  You just have to have the confidence in your ability and courage to try.  Just don't let the huge Kraken at the bottom eat you.

  15. have a trained swimmer push you in

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