
Whats the best way to get over someone who hurt you?

by  |  earlier

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There was this guy who was chasing me for 3 years and i kept on rejecting him because i knew what kind of guy he was, one day i finally decided to give him chance and what i thought about him turned out to be true. We were together for a while and he would ask for things and get soo mad wen i wouldnt give it to him so finally wen i did he turns and says he has a girlfriend... i ignore him for a month an then he tells me he broke up with his girlfriend but i rejected him. Its been over 4 months and i cant stop thinking about him, what should i do??




  1. I agree with runner. this person seems to be selfish and use to getting his way. you took alot of time to give into this person. i know it's hard but ask yourself "do you deserve that kind of person in your life? it sounds like you are a pretty good judge of character, i believe that you know you shouldn't be involved with a man like that. as hard as it is to get over someone that you feel for, i suggest you try to keep yourself busy. keep your mind occupied with things to do so that the focus isn't on him all the time. are you a believer of christ? if you are start calling out to him and asking him to help you to get over that man. He will you will be suprised. I hope it all works out for you. Good luck

  2. You should shank his ***.

  3. get a rebound dude and don't look back. whatever you do, don't let him plead his case face to face because a manipulator like him would most definitely succeed.

  4. i think you did the right thing. this guy really likes you i think, but he is very imature and not good for you.

    people change, but you can't change him. he has to change by himself. if i were you i would keep friendship with him and tell him i will be with him again if he really changes, but until then i will care about him as his good friend.

  5. Don't do it. this guy seems like bad news. He gets mad when things don't go his way. It will lead to an abusive relationship. Trust me.

  6. He's a jerk

    Keep that in mind

    I dont know why girls go crazy over jerks

    When you're thinking about that jerk, you better believe that you're the last thing on his mind

  7. Love is a wild beast. You can't tame it,it needs time.

    You'll forget him in due course.

    Sorry,I wish I had a magic potion. I haven't . There isn't one.

    We've all been there.

    Good luck. You'll be wiser next time.

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