
Whats the best way to get pumped for a soccer game?

by Guest66676  |  earlier

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  1. Yeah the hip-hop works, and have you watched the Waterboy, i'd wouldn't quite recommend picturing your opponent as an enemy, but something like that.

  2. well i don't mind listening to a bit of music before the game but i like to get angry before a game as i am a centre back. so i bite my thumbs so that hurts and  my team mates karate chop their thighs

  3. you now i her its not best way because what i heard about 2 years,i heard that people seem to think it's true,because they always started it off whit ''did you know that'',well you know the's definitely possible. Consider who we're talking about here. hope I was of service

  4. Buy a mp3 player and load it with hip-hop and Rn B its fast tuned tempo and quick lyrics increase the speed and agility thus making easyer for you to dribble past slower opponents  

  5. I'm a center back for my team and I feel it is better to be composed and calm, but ready to get into a few tackles. Simply thinking about the game helps me be prepared for any situations during the game. It is important in a game to remember all the skills and information you have learned in the past. Just charging in hot-headed is not the way to go, for me anyways. Testosterone, or whatever girls have instead is important for the moment of a tackle or fighting for the ball(then, it comes easily anyways), but otherwise just blocks clear thought.

  6. Listen to hip-hop/rap music and dance around.

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