
Whats the best way to get rid of a mouse?

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We have a mouse that we see sometimes,mainly at night around the garbage.whats the best way to get rid of a mouse?My mom has set glue traps wit cheese on it. but we still see the mouse.I told her the best way would be is to get a cat,plus mice are smarter now and know what some traps look like.I told her a mouse wont come around if it smells a cat.My mom is of almost every animal including cats.i told her a cat would get rid of it quicker.

what would be the best way to get rid of this mouse?




  1. Cat is the best way.

    Please don't use poison. If it dies in some remote corners of the house and decomposed, it wll be stinking and causes plague.

    Rat trap is another useful device.

    I use the trap effectively.

  2. Get one of the electric ultra sonic pest devices they sell them at home depot and store like that they emit a noise that bugs the c**p outta them and they leave

  3. meow

    get a cat


    or a terrier

  4. Irish Spring Soap. Cut into small chunks. Hope this method helps. I am not a mouse so I don't know what the mouse hates.

  5. Your first mistake... contrary to popular myth, cheese is not a good form of bait.  You'll have the best luck if you use peanut butter - mice can't resist.  The glue traps are effective, so stick with that trap option.

    Cats will do the trick as well, but there are less extreme methods if this is not practical in your household.  You should be able to catch the mouse in a trap baited properly without doing anything exotic.

    Also, since you specifically called out "around the garbage" - where is your garbage stored?  Is it in a sealed plastic garbage can?  If not, I recommend purchasing one as soon as possible, especially if the mouse is able to gain access to your current storage easily.  If you remove the food source, the mouse will move on to find other places.  This also means food in pantries and cabinets should be sealed effectively as well (a cardboard box is not effective - mice will gnaw right through it).

    Search your home for possible entry points or your furry friend(s) will return.  Mice can get in through a hole the size of your pinkie finger.  If you don't have a permanent way to seal it, try using steel wool.  

    Remember, mice aren't usually alone - you may actually have more than one, so when you catch the first one - leave the traps out a while longer to see if he has any friends.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Hope you could learn from this site...

  7. mice do not like 'peppermint oil' nor 'cinnamine oil' . It will run them off in a heartbeat. You can get it at the grocery store, it's not expensive. Just place it on cottonballs around your house, under sinks, in closets,basement,garage. You can even poor it along your doorjams that lead to outside.

    Snap Traps, no glue traps they get out 2 easy with those things. Or you can fabricate a device to trap a mouse in a garbage can, put a piece of wood barely holding on the edge of a desk (place peanut butter on the end) or something and place the can underneath it and when the mouse runs across the wood falls right into the can and you just throw him out.

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