
Whats the best way to get rid of gangs?

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Is there a better way to get rid of gangs than the social outreach programs that don't work, or the maybe if we educate them. Why wont they classify them as terrorists and simply eradicate them all like the pests they are?




  1. Killing them sounds good to me.

  2. Your question and the subsequent answers are pretty freaking stupid. Gangs are the result of young people being left idle, particularly in poor areas where there are no jobs and few educational options.

    Gangs have existed in this country since at least the 1700s. Taking gangbangers out of the streets and shooting them does nothing but make room for new generations of thugs.

    If you want to get rid of gangs in your community, you should do one of two things: 1) sterilize all women whose income does not reach a certain level -- which amounts to eugenics and is highly unethical and immoral, or 2) improve schools so that children will gain advanced reading, mathematical and communications skills at the elementary level and prepare work-oriented schooling for them at the intermediate level so that by their high school years, they are prepared to utilize marketable skills and compete in the job market.

    In other words, prepare young people to actually be occupied by gainful employment. It's far cheaper than the cost of constant emergency medicine; trying, convicting and incarcerating a person, perhaps for life; and of the socio-economic damage done to a community that cannot find investors because it is rife with gang violence.

    Or does that make too much sense for you?

  3. Well as you know, this country has always had gangs and as a matter of fact, Gangs are as American as Peach Cobbler.The best way to get rid of gangs is for there to be enough unskilled labor. This would take care of the bulk of the gangs. Next, decent law enforcement. Finally, the social programs have always been opposed to the extent that they were never funded or manned correctly so they never had the opportunity to work. Let's just ignore your disengenuous terrorist comment.  




    PLEASE HELP!!!;...

  5. You do it like they do it in FOREIGN COUNTRIES.. the police just cruise the gang areas AND KILL THEM ALL... In AmeriKa we have to worry about violating THEIR civil rights.. the SAME supposed rights they violate on others.

    I say SHOOT THEM ALL AND hang the SURVIVORS.  Gang members are all a bunch of cowards so once you pick off the leaders, the rest will slink back under their rocks.

  6. For a number of months now our dept. has conducted community outings for input on how they think there local police dept. should handle gang related crimes.  You will be surprised of some of the ways they thought their police dept. should handle the on going fighting between the ganges in their city. Keep in mine, officers half to protect all citizens with their rights even if they are gang members. Having that in mine, a 73 year old lady suggested for the community to be friendly to each gang member they come in contact with and tell this member or members that the other gangs have said that they would be the top dog gang in this community. Causing this gang member to pass along the word so that each gang would take out themselves. Now, if a 73 year old lady can come up with this ideal. I wounder what she is packing that we are not aware of ?   It does sound feasible to put this to act.

  7. Up close use a .45 ACP to the noggin, from about 25 yards out to 150 yards use a .223, and at greater distance a scoped .308 will get the job done nicely.  As you say nothing we've done or tried has really worked ... except for one thing: a dead gang banger doesn't bang ever again.

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