
Whats the best way to get rid of little red ants??

by  |  earlier

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please help,, we live on the third floor our our building on an end unit,, and lately we have been getting little red ants in our bedroom, we have no clue where they are coming from but ,,,,man do they bite,,,they seem to bite me at night when i am sleeping, because i wake up in the morning with little bits and they are itchy i have ,,,,sensitive skin, so i am prov-en to more swelling and more itching and infection,,,,they have been getting in our bed, and on our night stand by the bed, i have so many bug bites on my feet, arms and lets and back,,,,,,,,,,,please help us find a PET SAFE way to get rid of them,,,,,as we have 2 puppys, a 9 month old and a 8 week old




  1. Borax is supposed to kill ants.

  2. diatamaceous earth is completely safe and non toxic kills ants fleas etc. buy at feed store or garden center do not use the kind for pool filters  

    do a google search to learn more you can even put it on pets food to kill internal parasites

  3. I find ground ginger works for any kind of ant, at least in my region NE. even outdoors, say around plants that they tend to distroy, just need to sprinkle after every rain

    good luck

    Borax is highly effective with a sugar mixture but will be toxic to your pups...........go with the ginger! can evwen sprinkle it in your beddings pups beddings too

  4. call an exterminator or try to find the source yourself

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