
Whats the best way to get rid of my acne?

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Whats the best way to get rid of my acne?




  1. wash your face everyday.. and use acne stuff..

  2. There are lots of products you can purchase over the counter that may work for you. Before going into those, make sure of the following: Age, that ur diet isn'tt part of the break outs, that you are sure of the type of skin you have, be it oily, combination, or dry flaky skin, sensitive, etc. There is a product on tv all the X Proactive, its very good, and in-expensive. However, its a product you have to use routinely, until you are over the acne age.  Also, Neutragena and Clearasil have a very nice facial wash to keep your skin clean and oil free.  Try not to eat very oily foods or fried foods.  Make a list of what you have eaten and note the reaction for the next couple days and see if you see any negative changes or break outs of your skin, and stop consuming them. It will take a couple of months but you will learn a lot about your skin and how to keep it acne free.

  3. umm proactive seems to work real good with me.  but if you dont wanna buy stuff heres another way..if you where make-up dont go to sleep with it on it'll break out your face and it'll be dry wash your face really good at night and in the morning it'll keep your face clean and prevent acne  

  4. Go to a dermatologist. That's your best bet. You can also try acne kits like AcneFree and Proactiv. You should also try Skin iD; it is super cheap and personalized. Go to to get your iD.

    I hope this helps!  

  5. wash your face duh.

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