
Whats the best way to keep brownies and cookies fresh til this weekend?

by  |  earlier

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We're making these for a bake sale thingy, but I'm only going to have a chance to do this tonight. I don't have time to bake over the next week.

They don't need to be oven fresh, but I'd like them to still taste as good as possible...Any suggestions?




  1. Keep them tightly closed in foil  

  2. Freezing them in an airtight container is a great idea.  I would also suggest that when you take them out of the freezer to let them thaw, toss in a fresh piece of bread with them.  The baked goods will draw out the moisture in the bread and keep them soft.  It's amazing!

  3. Brownies dry out real fast so I would wrap them well and freeze them until Saturday.  The cookies should also be kept in an airtight container.

  4. keep them in an air-tight container or wrap them individually.  they should  be fine until then.  OR you could bake them almost completely, refrigerate them until friday night, take them out and let them get to room temp, toss them into the oven for another couple of minutes to finish cooking them, and then store as normal.  

  5. Airtight container

  6. Wrap them in plastic wrap or ziplock baggies and toss them in the freezer. Then on Friday get them out and let them thaw over night.

  7. I would individually wrap the brownies and freeze in zip-lock bags - then when you need them for the bake sale, it will present nicely.  I would do the same for the cookies, individually wrap, tie a ribbon around 3 or 4, whatever quantity you will sell them in, freeze and take them out of the freezer about 4 or 5 hours before the bake sale, they will be awesome.  

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