
Whats the best way to make friends?

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i kinda allready know the answer to this allready, but i read in a self help book once if something you tyry does'nt work. then, don't keep trytiong it cos it is unlikely to work 2nd or enven 3rd time no more so than it did when u first tryed it.

"the answer is i need to go out my house & into situatiuons where people interact. EG: weekly social clubs, also church is good i've found. (unless u are after s*x before marriage). but, if u are like me & u lack that self confidence to go up ntop girls & talk to them. then, what other means of meating people is there????????????- because lonelyness is not good 4 you.




  1. <3

  2. part time college course

    the pub

  3. Hi

    I've never heard of a self help books that tell you,  if you don't succeed at first give up : )

    You just go to keep doing the social bit until it works , your not going to go out in one night and have ten best friends the next day ,  life doesn't work like that .

    It takes time and effort to build relationships of any kind .

    Good Luck

  4. I think be open, honest and kind and look for your kind of people, who you have things in common with. i don't know if i'd follow that advice from a self help book personally. just because something doesn't work first time doesn't mean you shouldn't try again, sometimes persistence is the key. i hope you have some luck soon though and meet some nice people.

  5. Well, if you have afew guy friends to start with just go out on nights out with them, if not cousins or siblings around the same age work well too, anyways, your bound to meet someone and you dont even have to be that confident coz you can just stay with your friends and that will make you more confident or a girl may come up to you, you never know.

    Good Luck =]

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