
Whats the best way to make money online ?

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im a highschool student in my senior year and im short on cash and need cash for college. im very good with computers and i was wondering.. what is the best way to make money online?






  1. Well if you truly want to make money online, I would like to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate.Wealthy Affiliate has created an "entrepreneurs' dream" system. If you want to LEGITIMATELY earn a living online, you will achieve it at Wealthy Affiliate. WA members have earned more than $20 million online since Wealthy Affiliate opened up shop in 2005, and they are expecting close to $30 million in "member" earnings by the end of 2008.

    ATTENTION! This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a legitimate way to make a good income using your computer and Internet connection. Don't expect to wake up tomorrow morning $1000 richer. No!No!No!   THIS IS NO JOKE! IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS : THEN TRY:

  2. Hi,

    I think the free 7 days e-course and free video tutorial from will help you to kick start your journey to make money online.

  3. I make between $4000 - $8000 a week if interested go to  

  4. You can make money online. Visit the website on my profile page for information on how to do. All the sites on the website are free to join and you can earn money as soon as you join. Good Luck. I hope this helps you earn some money.

  5. Some great ways are listed at my site. please at least take a look at it, it explains how to make the most out of gpt sites and what they are (look from the bottom up cause I started with post 1 which is at the bottom) if you like what you read please give it a try since I worked hard to make the site!

  6. My blog will provide you with some info.  Check it out at  You also may want to check out another website at

  7. I wouldn't try if I was there, too many gimmicks  

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