
Whats the best way to make my oscars grow fast

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I got oscars and was wondering if there were any specific food that would help my oscar growe the best and the fastest. im asking this because i want them to grow to full length and fast so please helpme if you can.




  1. theres no way to grow faster than normal. the best you can hope for is a normale rate of growth.

    a good diet good water right size tank and filter are the best things you can do..

    also feeder fish IE: goldfish will stunt the growth of fish.

  2. goldfish is not the way to go....for on it is sad and it also makes your tank dirty.

    Trt hikari oscar pellets they sell them at petsmart but honestly they don't put stereroids in fish food haha

    Really the way to make them grow the fastest is to get an oversized tank. The more room they have the bigger they will grow and the faster.

  3. If you want to grow them to maximum size quickly there are two things you have to be concerned with; water quality & diet.  Water quality means a 100 gallon tank for one fish, twice weekly water changes of 50%, and at least double the suggested filtration.

      Diet means forget feeder fish, they are empty calories and do a real good job of transferring disease.  Some feeder fish (notably goldfish and rosy-red minnows) contain large amounts of the enzyme thiaminase. This breaks down thiamin (vitamin B1) and over time this will lead to serious health problems.

      Alternate between a quality pellet, soaking it in a liquid vitamin such as Centrum once weekly helps, and foods such as live crickets, cleaned earthworms, shrimp., and a good beefheart mix.

      A good beefheart mix is actually no more than 50% beefheart, the rest is things like spinach, shrimp, whitefish, spirulina flake, and once again liquid vitamin.

  4. how big of a tank do you have them in? i had 2 oscars in a 55 gallon tank and fed mine gold fish. they tripled in size in a matter of a couple of months. you do know that oscars become very large fish, right?

  5. Blood worms made mine grow fast

  6. well im not a fish expert but i dont think you can actually make them grow faster

  7. fish food, and the odd bit of dog food.

    Really helps.

    Maybe a lil bit of plant food too...oh oh...petite flou yoghurt will 'help there bones grow stronger-er'

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