
Whats the best way to pick an iguana ( If you know about igs help )

by  |  earlier

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Pls only give me the answer to this and don't tell me the care or others, I know about three breeders with great iguanas, and reptiles keep going on, I wanna know where to buy, I know to tell if an iguana is sick, I really know many sicknesses in iguanas, I really check them well, where is the best place to buy them, and how do I know if they're approaching sickness or was given bad diet..




  1. Make sure you choose one that has bright colours  It's eyes must be nice and clear, not foggy. Make sure it looks plump and alert. Nice and active as well ^____^

  2. u would need to tell us were u live to ansor that question

  3. Look for bright colors and a high activity level.  Also, it may sound backwards, but be wary of a baby iguana that doesn't run from you.  A baby iguana that is ok with you picking him/her up is very likely ill.  One that runs like Hades to get away from you is perfectly fine.

    Good luck!

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