
Whats the best way to protect a pasture horses tail?

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for pasture horses can you braid the tail and leave it braided or is that bad for the horse or tail?? silly question i know but i'm just wondering.

is it better to use a tail wrap? or tail cover?

so yeah what is the best way to protect a pasture horses tail?




  1. I wouldnt worry about protecting it. im sure it will be fine. The only thing i do it make sure they, or any other horses, cant step on it. And it your findy grasses and such in it, then either cute the grass(lol) or clip it that high. If you braid it, it will make it harder for them to get flies off.

  2. You can braid the tail, but I wouldn't suggest braiding then leaving it for months at a time - it'll get broken and in bad shape - what to you do to protect your hair?  do you sleep with it in a pony tail at nite?  I don't, that breaks my hair.

    If you braid the tail, take it down, comb it out every few days then re-braid it - even if only the ends are braided - they get caught and ripped on all sorts of things.

    Tail wraps are good, but don't take away the function of the tail - get one that allows the horse to swat flies when needed.

    I have one I really like - it's made of polar fleece.  You section the tail into 3 sections, wrap the fleece around it, close it with velcro, then braid it and secure the bottom by tying the straps around it - it leaves edges to flick flies with - but you still must rewrap it often to avoid breakage and ensure it's moisturized.

    Good luck!

  3. Daily grooming.  Wrapping, covering, and braiding will encourage breakage if not maintained daily.  Will also encourage rubbing - individual strands pull, owcha that itches...

  4. Plenty fly spray to stop the flies bugging them (less itching)

    Other than that, I leave my horses tailss be.

    Never leave a tail bandage on for more than a few hours and NEVER let it dry on a wet tail (it can constrict and cause huge amounts of damage!).

    I wouldn't plait it, it is likely to cause more harm than good!

  5. i leave my horse's tail be.. but my friend braids her horses tail and uses a tail bag so it doesnt get bleeched. if you are going to braid it though, make sure its not pulling on the roots of their tail as that can damage the roots.

  6. put alot of babyoil in the tail the wrap it

    ....i know this because i have pasture horses at my ranch

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