
Whats the best way to put backspin on a golf shot?

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Whats the best way to put backspin on a golf shot?




  1. if ur a weekend golfer like me u will probaly not get a lot of backspin bc ur clubhead speed probaly isnt fast enough :(

    but u could use ur 60 degree wedge and hit almost straight down on the ball

  2. Swing down on the ball, and make sure the club face makes contact with the ball before the ground.

  3. You have to place the ball in the back of your stance and hit down on the back of the ball to get it to spin.  They showed Tiger in slow motion at Match Play event on a short iron shot he hit into the green and he played the ball near his right foot and the shot spun back over 20 feet.

  4. Clean grooves

    Solid contact

    Slightly downward approach to ball

    Open clubface / Weak grip

    High performance ball (Callaway HX or Pro V)

  5. You have to strike down and through (with acceleration) the ball with a lofted club.

  6. place ball on inside of left heel if swinging right

  7. Dont need to be a pro to pull it off.. Ball back in your stance and steepen the swing plane, accelerate through.

  8. Simple.  Just hit the ball first, with the divot then starting in front of the ball.  By doing this, the ball will contact the club face from the first groove to somewhere just below the middle of the club face allowing for the grooves to really impart spin on the ball as it moves up the club face; i.e. the more grooves that come into contact with the ball, the more spin the ball will have.

  9. sharp grooves and swinging down and thru the ball real hard.

  10. Swing down on the ball and accelerate through the shot. A full follow through is good also.

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