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whiten your teeth without using strips??

my mom wont let me use whitening strips or trays because she says they strip the enamel off of your teeth... so i have to resolve to just whitening toothpaste. but i have been brushing my teeth morning and night for like a month and nothing. i am using crest whitening with baking soda. is this bad toothpaste or something?? do i need to brush more?? what can i do to whiten my teeth really fast. i have a back to school thing coming up and i want to look really good... what can i do?? thanks!!




  1. How to whiten your teeth the natural way

    Are you in the search for those miracle cures that will whiten your teeth in a matter of seconds? Then this article is not for you. You can whiten your teeth though, but in order to accomplish this you must make a constant effort. Within a few weeks you can have the whitest teeth possible.

    Here are the things you should do to whiten teeth:

    •  The first tip is the most obvious one. Brush your teeth regularly at least twice a day. If this is not possible and you can only brush once, make sure you do it before you go to sleep. The reason is not that obvious: while awake we tend to take care of our teeth using the tongue. While you sleep though no such protection exists.

    •  Give up coffee and red wine. These are the two most important diet factors on creating tooth stains. Tobacco also along other bad effects tends to give your teeth a yellowish color. If you feel you cannot give up tea/coffee altogether then cut your intake to no more than once a day.

    •  Floss your teeth at least once a day. This is to prevent and remove the stains between your teeth. It would be embarrassing to have the cleanest and whitest teeth with dark, ugly stains between them.

    •  Make sure your toothbrush hasn't worn out. For an effective brushing you need the best that you can find.

    •  Vegetables are a natural way of cleaning and whitening your teeth, besides they are also extremely healthy. Strawberries in special have a natural whitening effect so why not change your diet.

    •  Go to your dentist at least twice a year. Only they can get rid of those hard to reach stains and they also use different techniques to further increase the whiteness of your teeth.

    With these tips in mind and with enough patience you sure would likely get those white teeth you desire so much.

    If your teeth has been parmanently stained then it will not be possible to remove it by simply brushing your teeth even with whitening toothpaste that you get in your local chemist. You will need to book an appointment with your dentist and go through the stain removal procedure. This might be the only option you have to make your teeth white.  

  2. Sonicare Toothbrush

  3. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at

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