
Whats the best way to quit smoking?

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Whats the best way to quit smoking?




  1. The first thing you have to do, is get on a nicotine replacement therapy program. Any doctor will perscribe this,

    and there are smoking cessation programs. You have to get

    help as cigs today are more addictive due to the tobacco

    companies making them so with added ingredients. They've

    already admitted in federal court, to that. So once you have

    the products on hand (and you can be on the patch and the

    gum without fear of a heart attack, it's been proven now),

    start with the patch to calm yourself, and in the second faze

    of the patch, introduce the gum. And don't have any cigs

    around to temp you to take even one drag. Follow both pro-

    grams to completion. You will be on the gum alone eventually.

    Then go down to the lower mg of gum and after a given

    amount of time, you will begin to wean yourself off of the gum.

        I haven't smoked in six years or so. And it was due to

    using these two methods. I had used each by itself alone

    before, without success years before.

       I now have developed COPD/emphasema. Long after

    quitting smoking. They don't tell you that this is possible. Now

    I am hooked up to an oxygen machine. And if I have to go

    somewhere, I take a portable tank with me. I have now found

    that my BP is too low, and the oxygen has been increased

    to raise it a bit. And hopefully it will soon. There's no cure

    for low blood pressure I'm told.

       If I had any clue that I'd have breathing problems now, I'd

    have quit long ago when I still had no problems. But I went

    back on them due to stressful situations each time. I admire

    you for wanting to quit. It is hard work to quit and stay away

    from them. You can't even be around those who do smoke

    as the temptation will be soooo great to want to have a drag.

    But make them smoke outside and clean your place from

    top to bottom to get rid of all the smoke smells and that

    includes winter coats. It clings to everything. You can always

    tell a smoker, just walking by them. It stays on their clothes.

       I hope you can keep your plan to quit, as you will be saving

    your own life in doing so. I have less time to live now, and I

    have to live with that.

  2. Cold turkey is the only way to go, but keep some hard candy on hand to help with the cravings. I have quit several times and unfortunately gone back more than once and always by "cold turkey". I haven't smoked in a year, but still crave when I am really stressed out, but that is going away too.

  3. the best way to quit smoking is with Gods help. If you ask him with your heart and you really want this change in your life, go to him. It would be really great if you except him as your lord and saviour. he does many miracles. he really loves you

  4. Hide your cigeretes somewhere where you know next time when you go looking for them you wont find them.

  5. Just stop.  cold turkey.  That is how I did it, and my wife, and every single person that I have ever known who has actually stopped and not started back.  The patches and all are good as a step to cut back, but personally, I have never seen anythign but cold turkey work permanently.  That doesn't mean it has to be painful.. I learned (and now teach) an accupressure technique that makes it much much easier.  The first three days are rough no matter what.   I suggest staying in bed.

  6. find a new addiction

  7. think like this: with every puff you take, with every cig you light, you are slowly dying. Its kind of selfish, dont u think??? Enjoying a quick stress reliever only so you can die and leave ur loved ones to cry for years as they try to recover (if ur a parent, u should be ashamed of yourself. My cousins and my mothers lives were ruined because of their parents smoking are u willing to do that to everyone around u?)

  8. Actually, they do say cold turkey, the first 3 days are the hardest. I used the patch and quit for 3 months (I don't know way I started again, stupidity). Someone else said the gum, I'm thinking for the cinnamon one. (but you can't use both , it is too much nicotine in your system at once and could cause a heart attack.)  And if you use the patch, same thing, you can't smoke on it.  Write a list of all the pros of smoking and all the cons. That might help.

  9. cold turkey

  10. solid will power and actually wanting to quit

  11. Stop buying cigarettes.

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