
Whats the best way to remove rust from a wok?

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I used my fathers wok last night, and forgot that it is iron. So when I went to the dishraxk this morning it was rusted on the outside.

How do I get that off? Would scouring powder do the trick?

(then obviously drying it over heat I guess)

Let me know whatcha think






  1. lil c has a good thing goin.  Don't forget to oil the wok when you're done.  Just drizzle some oil into it and rub it around with a side towel or paper towel.

  2. make a paste out of lemon juice and salt & scrub it with that.  works like magic!

  3. If the rust came up overnight, you can remove it easily like lil' c said: salt & lemon juice.

    Scouring powder would remove the patina and seasoning.

  4. You have to scrub it, then place it over very high heat for about 10-20 minutes. The wok should be glowing red from the heat before you remove it from the flame. This is called "curing" the pan. After you remove it from the heat, CAREFULLY cool it with cold water, reheat a little, then oil it with vegetable oil. This should have been done when he bought it. It will never rust again.

  5. I use a steel wool pad, hot water, and no soap to clean mine. You can dry it over heat then I use spray oil to season it back up.

  6. The powder should do it or a fine wire scrubbing pad. Reoil after drying, inside and outand heat.

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