
Whats the best way to run in high heels?

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I want to be able to learn to run in heels because some day I might have to. When I try, I just can't really get anywhere and can't get any speed. Im kinda girly if that matters.




  1. You are never going to do more in high heels than walk fast.  If you try to run in them, you could very easily sprain/break an ankle.

    If you need to run and you are in high heels, I would suggest taking them off...I am guessing if you have a need to run, there is a legitimate reason behind it are being chased.  Not for some reason of you just want to see if you can.

  2. you cant run in heels. Take them off then run

  3. Takes time and practice.  I only do it if I have to.

  4. Just start running you'll catch the answer(smile)!

  5. On your toes is the only way. It's more like taking big leaps forward though, and it looks funny.  

  6. with them in your hand.

  7. with your knees kind of bent, deffinately...

  8. dont run in them, just take them off

  9. slowly...

  10. Don't

  11. use high heels running shoes and increase your heel height slowly.

  12. On your toes : ) but be careful!

  13. I can't say about running, but in one 3 - 4" heel on my good foot and my crutches, I can keep up with most anyone.

  14. if ur girly u can't be afraid of getting if u run in grass with high heels don't be afraid to get ur feet dirty cause it's gonna happen one way or another.ok when u run bend ur knees and run at the same time.this will give you speed because if ur stood straight up then u'll loose ur balance.i don't know how but u will i've tried it before.and that's prety much it one that.hope i helped : )

  15. You can do it but be careful so you don't break your ankle

  16. Practice on your street near your home first!

  17. try starting out with 1 inch heel and then when you get the hang of it go up an inch. You can get really cheap heels from payless shoe store. Please help me:;...

  18. take them off, if your being chased, just whack the person with them, that will teach them to come near you, muahahahahahahah

  19. I think if a situation ever arises where you NEED to run,keeping you high heels on would NOT be your 1st concern:)

  20. My suggestion is not to run in heels at all, unless you want to break and ankle or sprain it.  Why would you need to run in heels someday anyways?  If it's to get away from someone, you wouldn't be able to out run them in heels, that's a fact.

  21. Oh, I know! Take off your heels! Come on, girl. If its a question of life and death I am quite sure you can spare a second just to get rid of those high heels in order for you to run...faster!

  22. The best way to run in heels is drunk. You can't feel it killing your feet and if you twist your ankle you won't feel half the pain.

  23. Not running in heels might be your best bet.

  24. Its easy !

    Just spread your legs as if you are sitting on a horse.

    Keep your head up almost as if you are looking at the sky.

    and as you start running flap your arms like a bird !

    Trust me you will be running fast like an olympic athlete !

  25. Just take them off when you need to run.

    It might take some time but it will waste less time than when you trip on your face and have to get up.

  26. hmm, maybe you should take them off before you run anywhere. If you're being chased by someone, you could always throw the heels at them.

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