
Whats the best way to save gas while driving?

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I seriously need to find a way to preserve gas since i'm sucha cheap guy lol, its driving me nuts that i gotta fill it up every other few days..i don't even got money!(still in high school..)




  1. Make sure you're driving someone else's vehicle and don't replace the gas. 8^)

  2. Try the following...

    Long slow smooth acceleration.   Car never uses more than when accelerating.

    Look ahead to read the traffic and avoid unnessary braking.   After burning the gas to go,  why scrub it off needlessly?

    Don't tailgate.    With the above,  gives you more time to allow vehicles in front to turn off without having to brake and speed up again.   Just take foot off and coast.

    Keep top speed near 60.   That is about the point for most vehicles that aerodynamics becomes a factor.   Under that,   see the above.

    No idling.    That means no drive-thrus.   Park and go in.    Saves gas and gets you excercise.    Idling for more than about 15 seconds uses more gas than restarting.

  3. quit driving it like its a race car.remember we have all been there done that.

  4. drive rly rly rly fast

    as fast as u can

    pretend u r racing !!!!!!!!!

    but make sure u dont get a ticke or get in a accident


  5. "Feather" the gas pedal and only use it when you need to. In my BMW there is the MPG gauge which tells you what gas mileage you are currently getting with how far you put your foot down. Also make sure you keep on top of maintaining your car and it will help your gas mileage.

  6. Make sure engine has been tuned recently (spark plugs, timing, air filter, etc.), keep tyres properly inflated, use cruise control when ever possible, keep speed below 55 mph, no jack rabbit starts.


  7. walk!

  8. Be honest with yourself, for trips up to a 1 1/2 mile in length, you could just walk.  For trips up to 5 miles in length you could ride a bicycle.  You may think this a bit extreme or uncool, but you will like the fact that you are saving lots of money.  I commuted to work on my bicycle for many years.  Really helped my health and saved money in the form of gas and wear and tear on my car.  Other than that, how many of your trips are necessary?  Start thinking if you have set destinations, say driving to school, how much does it cost per day.  Costs me about $5 per day to drive to work.  Good luck

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