
Whats the best way to start getting into auditons for comercials?

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when i flew back home 2 Los Angeles to visit my dad & brothers for the summer i would go with my brothers to there auditions for comericals & even parts on tv shows like Ugly Betty &it looks really fun and they acutually get the parts! I always used to get stopped in the mall when i was little &people would say i should do modeling or comericals &ive tried out for 1 comerical when i was 6 &they said they would give me the part if my mom would put me into private acting classes $1200 a month for a bout a few weeks & my mom said no to it because people kept telling my mom they were ripping us off.

so i havent done 1 since but now i want to do comericals.

people still stop me when im out shopping with my mom or if im at a restaraunt and people would ask if im a model. me & my mom were really considering it but when i found out i had scoliosis i just gave up. but now since ive had surgery 2 correct my scoliosis i feel more confident ha yeah so how do i find a agent?





  1. Search out a talent agency, but make sure they have good clients. We got burned.

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