
Whats the best way to teach a baby 2 languages?

by  |  earlier

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would it help to show younger kid shows some in english while the other in french?




  1. Immersion in both languages. Language is learned through hearing it and making connections between sounds and words and their meaning.

    When you say juice to your child, also say it in the other language... and so on. That is how my kids learned English, Arabic and French.

  2. I think all the posters are correct in speak both languages to the child but I also want to say congratulations in wanting your child to speak more than one language. It is a definite plus in today's world and I always think it is a shame when the child does not learn the language of his ancestors. Good for you and lucky child!

  3. Either put he/she in the environment of the language or, the best product out there for kids to learn languages: muzzy. Go to and read all about it! You even get a 30-day free trial. Once again, check out the website & good luck! :)

  4. This is how we did it at home. You speak one language in the home ( we spoke afrikannse) and then the common language outside the home (english) You always address your children in the language you speak at home.

  5. We're going with the 1 language 1 parent approach.

    I'm speaking only English to our son, my husband is speaking only Danish.

  6. speak both languages to the baby. they will pick up quicker then sending them to classes or something along those lines. I wish my parents knew two languages and could have spoken them both to me. A lot of my friends are spanish and know how to speak it and have learned from their parents speaking it around them along with english since they were babies.

  7. Well, I chose sign language.  And that was easy because I could sign and speak at the same time, so that's what I did with my kids from when they were babies.  Not every word, but a lot.

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