
Whats the best way to tell a cats age and whats causing this kitten to be sick?

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what is the best way to tell a cat's age?

me and my boyfriend was given 3 kittens after a lady we worked with couldnt find a home for them, she wasnt sure how old they were cause she found them in a parking lot. we've had them for like 3 months now.

then last month we found a kitten and we have no idea how old she is, we know shes smaller than the other 3.

so how can i tell there ages?

okay for what's causing this, the baby kitten we found last month. well shes sick, sneezing, running nose, watery eyes with a lil crust occasionally. i also have an older cat like 2 years old when we got him he was the exct same way but we were able to nurse him back to health. but with the kitten its like if she eats to much she gets sick. we've tried different things feeding her hard food mixed with soft food, all in small amounts. And she seems to hold it down just fine. but if we give her just plain hard food it seems to come back up. and with just soft food she seems to do pretty well. She always eats like shes straving and she anit gonna get any more food and always meowing for food.

she also really small, and i dont mean just like baby kitten small, we are more than sure she is old enough to leave her mom cause well were we found her she had already left her mom. but shes really boney for a kitty.

what's causing her to get sick? is there anything we can do to help before takin her to the vet? we are on a really low income so a vet it kinda hard to pay for. is it just cause shes to small to handle the big food? why so thin?

also she has been treated for worms...i think it was round worms.

any suggestions is greatly appericated.

Thank You




  1. It could be that she is small framed. Cats are like people, they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. When I had my 6 cats, all of them were normal size except for one. I had fostered this cat from the humane society as she was pregnant. She was such a beautiful and unique cat I couldn't let her be put down. She was healthy tho for being a small framed cat. Take your cat for a check up. The veterinarian can count it's teeth and make an estimate on it's age. As far as the sneezing and runny eye thing. I would get this cat checked out asap as it could be URI. Upper respiratory infection, in human terms, a real bad cold. It can be lethal and is very contagious amongst cats. The vomiting could be from her eating too fast? Maybe too much wet food is the problem too. Cut back on the wet food, amount wise that is and give her more dry food. Some shelters have programs for pet owners who can't afford medical care for their pets. Please check with some shelters in your area and inquire about these types of programs. I think she is really sick and I know you wouldn't want  your other cats to get sick either.

    You have to get this cat checked out and put on medications. I have seen cats die of URI.

    Just to let you know, if you pet the sick kitty at any time. Wash your hands real well before you come into contact with your other kitties. That's a good way to spread URI to other cats too. I hope my advice helps you and this sick kitty.

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