
Whats the best website to buy cichlids, where they have a large selection, and not bad on their prices?

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Whats the best website to buy cichlids, where they have a large selection, and not bad on their prices?




  1. In my honest opinion, I wouldn't buy from a website at all.  How do you know if they're bred properly? How do you know if they're well cared for and healthy?  Plus you must pay for the shipping, and you may be getting sub-par fish.  I'd advise you to search around pet shops if you can, therefore you can judge the stock and the price yourself.


  3. I've gotten most all my Africans online.  I buy online simply because the local selection is limited and you have to already know the species yourself because getting help from these stores is impossible.  You are going to pay extra from any online order, I can tell you that right now.  

    I happen to know the person that runs tangeledupincichlids, Mr. Jeffery Rapps.  I helped service a client of his actually.  The only issue I don't like with Mr. Rapps is that he's very slow to respond to calls or emails.  I'm speaking out of personal experience here.  But he does have a large selection of SA cichlids, I'll say that much.

    eBay is where I got most of mine.  JoshR1977, very reputible and sells pure blood lines.  I also have gotten some from CaptianCichlid, however, CC charges much more then Josh does.  I'd reccomend Josh very highly, and he posts his phone number on his ads too.  I've spoken with Josh a few times and I can't say a single bad thing about him.

    I avoid most any store simply because their ordering mechanisms allow too many times for you to buy against stock they don't have, and it takes weeks before they get more.  In the mean time, they are holding your money because it takes several days for money to post back to your bank.  LiveAquaria is one place I know for a fact I'll never buy from them ever again simply because of what I just said.  Tried to get some Blue Acara one time, and turned out they didn't have though they advertised they did.  They suck  balls in my opinion.

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