
Whats the better fighter? The Euro fighter or the F22.?

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Whats the better fighter? The Euro fighter or the F22.?




  1. This has already been flown in the sim, the match up put the F22 as a winner in every encounter. The military channel has this played out in one of it's latest shows and it too showed the F22 as the top aircraft. The only thing close may be the Russian SU-44/47. The forward sweep wing design aircraft. Based on the planned mods for the F22 for future development it should be top dog for the next 20+ years, or......

  2. The F-22 would blow a Eurofighter out of the sky long before the Eurofighter knew what was going on.  2 years ago, the Air Force and Navy had an exercise where they paired 2 F-22's against 2 of every other fighter/attack aircraft in the US inventory.  The F-22's "shot down" every single aircraft with out ever being seen on radar or visually.  The F-22 is faster, more agile, and it's avionics and interception suite is far superior.

  3. The F-22. It has stealth capability, and it has thrust vectoring technology. And it is the best handling aircraft on earth.

  4. euro fighter

  5. Read this from WIKI

    “ The Eurofighter is both agile and sophisticated, but is still difficult to compare to the F/A-22 Raptor. They are different kinds of airplanes to start with; it's like asking us to compare a NASCAR car with a Formula 1 car. They are both exciting in different ways, but they are designed for different levels of performance.[74] ”

    Further, "The Eurofighter is certainly, as far as smoothness of controls and the ability to pull (and sustain high G forces), very impressive," he said. "That is what it was designed to do, especially the version I flew, with the avionics, the color moving map displays, etc. — all absolutely top notch. The maneuverability of the airplane in close-in combat was also very impressive."[74]

    The Typhoon is capable of supersonic cruise without using afterburner. This is referred to as "supercruise". According to the official German Luftwaffe and Austrian Eurofighter website, the maximum speed possible without reheat is between Mach 1.2 and Mach 1.5. [75][76][77]

    In 2002, the MBDA Meteor was selected as the long range air-to-air missile armament of Eurofighter Typhoon.[78][79] Pending Meteor availability, Typhoon will be equipped with the Raytheon AMRAAM. The current in-service date for Meteor is predicted to be August 2012.[79]

    The Eurofighter consortium claims their fighter has a larger sustained subsonic turn rate, sustained supersonic turn rate, and faster acceleration at Mach 0.9 at 20,000 feet than the F-15, F-16, F/A-18, Mirage 2000, Rafale, the Su-27, and the MiG-29.[80][81][82]

    In 2005, a Eurofighter T1 was reported to have had a chance encounter the previous year with two U.S. Air Force F-15Es over the Lake District in the north of England. The encounter became a mock dogfight with the Eurofighter allegedly emerging victorious.[83][84][verification needed]

    In the 2005 Singapore evaluation, the Typhoon won all three combat tests, including one in which a single Typhoon defeated three RSAF F-16s, and reliably completed all planned flight tests. [85][86][verification needed] Singapore still went on to buy the F-15.

  6. The F22 is the 'best' military fighter in the world. However, the Eurofighter (Or Typhoon) is the next best and costs a fraction of the F22's price

  7. This is a difficult question to answer, while the Eurofighter still uses pricinciples of the teen series of F jets, Ie F15, F16, F18 and F18 Superhornet, the F22 is completly different with the wing structure etc.  However the Eurofighter out performs the F18 and bellow, the F22 has several features the Eurofighter does not for example stealth (radar) and thrust vectoring.  These two jets are unlikely to face each other off, and due to their similarities it is unlikely that one will limit the other or visa versa when performing alongside each other along with the F35 JSF in join strike roles.  Although both a ground based air superiority fighters, it is evident that nothing any likely enemy can throw at either of them will be able to threaten the combine airpower of these two titans.

  8. F-22, both the Euro fighter and F-22 can out maneuver the pilots ability to stay conscious, both can go supersonic with out AB. However the F-22 has stealth technology, and superior radar/avionics/support from other US technology. In a close combat dogfight it would depend on pilot skill, however most likely the Euro fighter would be dead before he knew the F-22 was in the area and a close combat dog fight won't come until technology exist that makes current stealth technology visible to a knew form of radar.

  9. F22,  I like the vector thruster feature.  Its a bit odd at first but you get the hang off it quickly.  Feels like a car with rear wheel steering.  At the right speed you can actually perform a loop while still maintaining directional momentum.  By far the best thing is the relativly little man hours on the ground to airtime ratio.  Vector thrusters on the front would have been nice though....

  10. f-22 is the superior in every way, including its $400M/aircraft program price tag

  11. Which was the better aircraft: the Sopwith Camel or the Fokker DVII? The key difference was the skill of the guy in the cockpit.

    Which was the better aircraft: the Bf 109E or the Spitfire 1A? The key difference was the skill of the guy in the cockpit.

    Which was the better aircraft the MiG 15 or the Sabre? The Key difference was.... well I think you begin to see my point .

    The Typhoon and the Raptor are designed to do different jobs but if it came down to a plain and simple dirty dog-fight (which is the question I think you are asking) then nine times out of ten the deciding factor is going to be the skill and ability of the guy in the cockpit.

  12. F22 is decades ahead

  13. F-22 hands down.

  14. Eurofighter Typhoon.

    If you actually see this beast in real life (like I have), you will be astounded

  15. Well I have to say  there is plenty of info in the answers given but nothing concrete with regards to your question The correct answer is easy If you had the two aircraft in a dog fight the winner would be not the aircraft but the pilot who who can deploy his aircraft to full use of its capacity and also the ability of the pilot himself to stay cool and focus on the job at hand

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