
Whats the big deal in having a HD tv?

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seriously guys Im a technophobe...please explain




  1. All this change in Feb means is that stations have to broadcast DIGITALLY, that's not the same as HD. Some will be HD, all will be digital.

    Most televisions being made now (if not all) are going to be capable of dealing with the new Digital-only broadcast signal, but they aren't all going to be HD TVs (at least not yet...not for a few years).

    It's ok to be a technophobe. I'm an early-ish adopter and geek about home theatre things, but it's a very complicated new world for the uninitiated. Once you get comfortable with getting an HD set (and the proper HD signal...many people who have HD sets don't know they aren't getting HD signals...), you will see the tremendous difference.

    One of the best features is that it's naturally widescreen, which is easier on the human eyes to view, than the old square-ish aspect ratio of TVs. So, movies will look like they are supposed to, and everything will be crystal clear and you will never want to watch TV on a non-HD set again.

    Good luck! Write me with any questions.

  2. I don't see that the question of having HD tv is open for debate. When the Govt declared all stations broadcast in HD in 2009, the question became moot and all the manufacturers of new sets immediately scrapped the old works and have only sold HD capable sets since then.

    It cost broadcast stations big bucks to convert and some will no longer be broadcasting because they can't afford the several Millions bucks to upgrade their equipment. These are the little religious and local stations that will no longer be able to broadcast.

    It doesn't affect the most of us if we have purchased a TV monitor in the past 5 years, have cable or satellite connections.

    Technophobe!!!! It is because the Big Bad Government declared we have to have HD!!!

  3. Sue, I think your confused.  All TV stations do not have to be HD, but they do have to transmit the signal in digital format.  There is a difference between digital HD (at 720p or 1080i) and digital 480i TV.

    It is not a government conspiracy.  After 9/11 the government got a first hand experience on how badly needed bandwidth was needed, so that emergency services could talk to each other and they couldn't because TV signals were "hogging" alot of that bandwidth.  With digital TV becoming more popular, they realized that by giving a set date for all broadcasters to transmit digital, that this would free up the analog bandwidth for emergency services.

    By broadcasting in digital, that you the consumer could now watch greater detail and clarity than standard analog also without interference.  

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